Thomas MacMillan
Jan 29, 2013 3:13 pm
Thomas MacMillan Photo
Developers at Grey Wall hone their software.
When Superstorm Sandy struck, the city’s emergency operations center wasn’t stuck using dead-tree technology. It had cutting-edge, locally developed software to coordinate a citywide response — a tool that’s now spreading to 29 other nearby towns.
Allan Appel
Nov 23, 2012 1:55 pm
Contributed Photo
Carlos Gonzalez and Xavier Aviles at work.
After Superstorm Sandy’s winds and brackish surge felled ten trees in Quinnipiac River Park, new arrivals have taken their place and should fare better in the next flood.
Thomas MacMillan
Nov 16, 2012 1:34 pm
Brian Virtue Photo
Irene brought a neighbor’s porch to the Pardee Seawall steps.
The one-two punch of Superstorm Sandy and a follow-up Nor’Easter got local lawmakers asking: How should the city deal with rising oceans and extreme weather brought on by global climate change?
Allan Appel
Nov 15, 2012 2:16 pm
Allan Appel Photo
Dave Kim had to throw out $4,000 of sliced meats that failed to survive Superstorm Sandy at his Shalom Cafe. A week later, a city inspector returned to help the first-time restaurateur recover losses from his insurance company.
A dream came true after Superstorm Sandy for a 10-year-old — and she used the opportunity to show her gratitude to a lineman restoring power to her neighborhood.
Jeffrey Kerekes sent in these photos showing the impact of Superstorm Sandy on some souls who couldn’t contact the Emergency Operations Center for assistance — the souls buried in Fair Haven.
Don Vincent and his 10-year-old son made a discovery walking in Quinnipiac River Park Saturday. Vincent sent in these photos and the following write-up:
Melissa Bailey
Nov 5, 2012 12:37 pm
Melissa Bailey Photo
Ned Costello’s physics class meets in the former Gateway library.
After Superstorm Sandy knocked the lights out at the Sound School’s newly dedicated building on City Point, students and teachers found themselves squatting in a temporary home — just as their founders did when they created an out-of-the-box alternative high school some 30 years ago.
Gwyneth K. Shaw
Nov 2, 2012 4:36 pm
Gwyneth K. Shaw Photo
Gigi Mauro-Celentano intercepted Blumenthal and Malloy while walking her dog, Rita.
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal walked a windswept stretch of Morris Cove beach Friday afternoon looking to comfort homeowners struggling to recover from Superstorm Sandy.
They got an earful from a handful of locals with a long-running request: Save our homes by building us a seawall.
It was a hectic time for families at the emergency shelter New Haven set up at Career High School during Superstorm Sandy this week. A local artist and Albertus Magnus associate prof, Evie Lindemann, made it a bit less hectic for the kids.
Thomas MacMillan
Nov 1, 2012 6:21 pm
Thomas MacMillan Photo
U.S. Rep. DeLauro visited the printing press Thursday.
After Superstorm Sandy tore off a chunk of the roof at Brian Driscoll’s Phoenix Press, city and federal officials showed up with a message: Help is available for small businesses damaged by the storm.
Mark Aronson scopes out the flocks at Criscuolo Park.
Birds, too, clear out before an onrushing storm. And just like humans, birds are reluctant evacuees when asked by firefighters and police to leave their nests.
Allan Appel
Oct 31, 2012 11:53 am
Allan Appel Photo
All that tube sand helped, but …
As I returned Tuesday to my evacuated home from Superstorm Sandy, I was in no rush to check out the damage.
Unlike my neighbors at Front Street’s Oyster Cove condominiums, I hadn’t exactly battened down the hatches before complying with the city’s mandatory evacuation order. So first I checked in to see how they were doing.
Melissa Bailey
Oct 31, 2012 11:11 am
Melissa Bailey Photo
Chuck Mascola takes a break from bailing out his basement to start tending to his yard.
Morris Cove started bailing out from Superstorm Sandy with the help of a hardy gardening statuette — and a market that kept brewing coffee even when the whole neighborhood’s lights went dark.
Allan Appel
Oct 30, 2012 9:51 pm
Allan Appel Photo
Ruoppolo Manor resident Elaine Peters serves Sammie Williams some of the 25 boxes of Abate pizza HANH supplied as emergency hot lunch
Rookies at New Haven’s police training academy participated in a real-life exercise during Superstorm Sandy — fanning out to senior complexes like Fair Haven’s Ruoppolo Manor, where the power went out.
Thomas MacMillan and Melissa Bailey
Oct 30, 2012 4:30 pm
Melissa Bailey Photo
State Death Investigator Alfredo Camargo, in white Tyvex suit, examines bones up close.
Thomas MacMillan Photo
(Updated 11:30 p.m.) A homeless woman made a spooky Halloween’s eve discovery on the Upper Green: bones from a centuries-old human body unearthed by a giant oak tree toppled by Superstorm Sandy.
Ariela Martin
Oct 30, 2012 12:56 pm
Rosalind Lewis in front of the tree that didn’t smash her car.
Rosalind Lewis had a feeling that one of the trees within her apartment complex was destined to fall. So she parked her car in a different spot, far from the trees.