Maya McFadden |
Apr 2, 2024 8:45 am
Maya McFadden Photo
Janae Nelson, right, conducting a class at Cross.
Instead of English educator Akimi Nelken being at the head of her Wilbur Cross High School classroom, a trio of students took a turn leading the day’s lessons.
Maya McFadden |
Mar 6, 2024 4:25 pm
Maya McFadden Photo
Tomorrow's teachers? Metro "Educators Rising" students discuss student mindsets.
Some students remained after school at Metro Business Academy Tuesday to start getting a sense of what it might be like one day to come back — as teachers.
Maya McFadden |
Feb 28, 2024 9:30 am
Elijah Johnson with students at King/Robinson.
Maya McFadden Photos
Elijah Johnson walked into King/Robinson School classroom in his United Airlines pilot uniform — on a mission to inspire some of the students one day to take flight.
Maya McFadden |
Nov 8, 2023 12:11 pm
Maya McFadden Photo
Nataly Magana with a doll she uses to help explain to child hospital patients what they're going through.
Nataly Magana told a classroom full of New Haven Academy students that she once considered becoming a teacher herself.
But instead she took a different career path — one that also involves counseling young people in need and helping them stay calm and flourish amidst challenging circumstances — as a certified child life specialist at Yale New Haven Hospital.
Maya McFadden |
Oct 25, 2022 11:30 am
Thomas Breen file photo
Supt. Tracey: Teachers' union has claimed "unfair labor practice."
The Board of Education voted to rescind its previous approval of $5,000 sign-on bonuses after the teachers’ union criticized the incentive plan as being crafted without the input of local educators.
Full-time and part-time New Haven Public School (NHPS) employees who have been bearing the brunt of staff shortages, upticks in violence, and learning gaps will be thanked for their commitments to the district with $1,000 and $500 retention bonuses.
Maya McFadden |
May 9, 2022 12:45 pm
Symone Roberts, Kettia Saint-Surin, Joanna Ishmael, and Michaelin Thomas: Help overcoming the debt trap.
Aspiring teachers like Symone Roberts will soon be able to fill vacant teacher roles in Hamden — and diversify the ranks — thanks to a program boosted by an infusion of federal money.
Maya McFadden |
May 2, 2022 8:59 am
Maya McFadden Photo
Sunday's ribbon cutting ceremony.
New Haven celebrated keeping hope alive at The Barack H. Obama Magnet University School (BOMUS) Sunday, officially welcoming a new teacher-oriented public school that opened its doors two years ago at the dawn of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Maya McFadden |
Feb 18, 2022 10:04 am
Beonce Fraser learns about SPRINT intern program at Thursday's fair.
Business and marketing student Beonce Fraser, 20, didn’t consider working in the bioscience industry until she learned about a search for summer marketing interns in the field.
Maya McFadden |
Oct 25, 2021 1:03 pm
Maya McFadden Photos
Cross Principal Edith Johnson, Jamison Scott, Rosa DeLauro, Iline Tracey, Justin Elicker, Ivelise Velazquez.
New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) leaders have their fingers crossed that a U.S. House-passed bill promising to create a college-credited manufacturing program for local high schoolers will also pass the Senate next month.
Maya McFadden |
Oct 19, 2021 8:25 am
Maya McFadden Photo
Participants sign off on AWS training program Monday.
The state is partnering with its community colleges and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer Connecticut residents with technology training opportunities to fill some of the 40,000 posted computing “cloud” jobs available as of last year.
Maya McFadden |
Jul 30, 2021 11:14 am
Maya McFadden Photos
Donna Thompson at Wednesday’s event.
Donna Thompson — along with several dozen fellow New Haveners currently working part-time, short-term jobs — showed up at Career High School with a goal in mind: To find a new career.
Maya McFadden |
Jun 30, 2021 12:08 pm
Maya McFadden Photo
Doreen Abubakar show LCI’s Evan Trachten her garden plan during Tuesday walk-through.
The next phase of the reinvention of a Newhallville crossroads came into view Tuesday during a tour of a vacant lot where Doreen Abubakar has seeded big plans.
Reward construction firms with a history of hiring women and Black and Latinx workers. Hold companies that fail to meet those goals accountable. And create more of an apprenticeship “pipeline.”
Those and other ideas emerged Tuesday night at the latest task force session on improving city affirmative action laws for contractors and construction workers.
Allan Appel |
Jan 25, 2018 8:52 am
Allan Appel Photo
Highsmith, Clemons, Copeland, and Key Bank Connecticut President f Jeff Hubbard.
A woman in the phlebotomy training class had been doing well, and then not. Then she dropped out completely.
Staff figured out the problem: She had become homeless. They put her in touch with an agency that could help. She got a place to live, she returned to the phlebotomy program, she graduated, and she is now gainfully employed.
It seemed like an routine board meeting called to approve a worker retraining agency’s $16.7 million budget for the new fiscal year.
Then some members started asking for details — and the debate was on, about how transparent the agency is not just with the public, but with its own board.
Sixteen newly trained blood-takers have entered New Haven’s workforce, the latest step in building a jobs “pipeline” for the unemployed and underemployed. Some of them documented their journey along the way.
Melissa Bailey |
Jan 20, 2014 1:09 pm
Melissa Bailey Photo
Perkins, one of 47 newly minted tradespeople.
Annamarie Perkins had been laid off from her job as a CT Transit bus driver when she came across a construction training program. She intended to check it out for her sons — then decided to sign up herself.
Soto with veteran Space-Craft set-up man Jose Argueta.
Pedro Soto has had at least five jobs open at his East Street factory since 2011 — and no one to fill them. In a city with an 11.9 percent official unemployment rate.
Thomas MacMillan
Jun 5, 2013 4:46 pm
After he submitted unanswered job applications for two years, New Haven Works helped open a door to a new job for Osikhena Awudu. On Wednesday he helped open a door for the new “jobs pipeline” agency itself.