Melissa Bailey Photo
Board Prez Perez at last month’s inauguration.
New Haven’s lawmakers vowed to get moving on a plan to connect local people to new jobs — and gave themselves a deadline.
The deadline comes in a “vision statement” and legislative agenda approved by all 30 members of the Board of Aldermen.
The document, released late Friday afternoon, states the board’s goals for its new term. It represents the resolve of a legislative body with a two-thirds majority of new members — elected on a promise to take more action on jobs, public safety, and opportunities for young people rather than wait for City Hall to set the agenda.
The resolution includes two proposals the board plans to vote on at its upcoming meeting Monday night. One urges the city’s Civil Service Review Board to double the number of points, from five to 10, that a job applicant gets for living in New Haven. The other would create a “Jobs Pipeline Working Group,” which would have 90 days to put together a plan for linking New Haveners, especially in poorer neighborhoods, to the “eds and meds” high tech-related jobs being created in town.
Click here to read the aldermen’s document and an accompanying release.
The pipeline idea grows out of research and community organizing done by the Connecticut Center for a New Economy (CCNE), the group affiliated with Yale’s unions that helped elect a new majority to the board this term. Read about that issue-development work here and here.
Board President Jorge Perez said he’s never before seen such a coming together of aldermen in his more than two decades in office. He noted that all factions of the board signed on to the agenda.
“You have an entire board, regardless of whether you’ve been there 24 years or one or two weeks, agreeing to a vision statement and an overall agenda,” Perez said Sunday. “I can’t remember when that ever happened. People have been asking, with as many aldermen coming in connected to labor, what vision would the [Board of Aldermen] have? To have everybody from every sector of the city and different political alliances coming together like that, I think it’s great.”