Dustin Gold, the suburban Northford activist who led the vociferous protests against New Haven’s introduction of an immigrant-friendly i.d. card, has been arrested for allegedly stabbing a man in the stomach.
The arrest Tuesday had nothing to do with immigration, as far as news accounts (like the ones here, here and here) report.

Police mug shot
The incident occurred down in Georgia, where authorities said Gold — now a 31-year-old reality TV producer — got into a violent argument with the producer of a TV commercial. (Read more about the “rising nativist star”‘s trajectory here, courtesy of the Southern Poverty Law Center.)
When Gold was active in New Haven a few years ago, officials feared the tactics of his Community Watchdog Project would lead to violence. No violence ever materialized, though the campaign led to an outpouring of sometimes violent mail (including death threats) sent to city officials.