Thomas MacMillan Photo
Jason Sobocinski, owner of the popular Caseus Fromagerie Bistro, has abandoned plans to open a tavern outpost further north on Whitney Avenue.
His plans for the tavern, to be called Bibere, met with some opposition from the East Rock neighborhood but were welcomed and approved (with conditions) by the zoning board.
Sobocinski (pictured above) explained his decision in an email message:
“The deal fell through because the space needed a ton of work just to get to code. It was more than I could justify spending on such a small space with such a short lease. With added limitations on how I could run my business; no outdoor seating, limited hours of operation, no coffee, no sandwiches, no bottled drinks to go, no lunches, I could not see the possibility of success in the space. I offered to buy the space as a condo from the landlord figuring I could raise the funds from investors and have more power to run my business my own way but the landlord was not interested. At that point the deal then died.
“I did receive word that the variance, which was granted by the city, was appealed by someone in the neighborhood. I’m currently running a very busy business including the Cheese Truck and I decided not to attend the meeting to defend the appeal due to time and monetary restraints. This learning experience cost me some major coin already!
“The entire matter is sad and unfortunate. I was intending to make a really nice spot in a great neighborhood. But with constant opposition from a select stubborn few, coupled with the unwillingness of the landlord to do any improvements on the space which we’d discussed there was nothing I could do.
“That’s about that.
“As for future projects, I am looking around but at the moment only in spaces with landlords that are willing to deal in an upfront manner and in areas that want our business completely.
“I am flattered and honored to have had such positive and wonderful support from the majority of the East Rock neighborhood. If I learned anything from this experience it is that there are some really great people out there and they do love what we are doing at Caseus! No matter what, learning that was worth all of the hassles and expenditures this experience provided.”