Blinded By The Light

Yesterday there was a big shakedown over here at the corner cubicles.

At night there are giant outdoor spotlights all over the camp shining into the windows. There are also big fluorescent lights that are left on near every door and emergency exit. Plus giant florescent lights are left on all night in the common areas.

So every night you have to tie a sock to your head in order to block out the many lights that are shining at you.

Some guys decided to put a piece of cardboard over some of the lights next to the emergency exit doors, guys who had their cubes right next to these doors. This is against the rules, so the Blue Boyz raided their cubes and caused all sorts of destruction to their 20 square feet of living quarters.

Not sure why so many lights have to stay on over here while everyone is sleeping. I was going to ask the camp director here about it, but he won’t be back until Sunday.
I just read an article that called sleep deprivation a very serious health concern, and can cause all sorts of physical problems. My father was hospitalized for a sleep disorder. How do the Blue Boyz expect inmates to sleep with all the lights on? The TV rooms have the florescent lights permanently on all the time. At night the guys put cardboard over the liqhts and watch TV. You are allowed to do that in the TV rooms but not in the cubes.

I still haven’t figured out why the Blue Boyz won’t let inmates use the light switches.


The corporate lawyer inmate works very hard at the warehouse, and does more of the higher-level executive work, pulling the orders, figuring out how much to order, etc. Not that this is rocket science, but he takes it seriously.

I am happy doing the low-level mindless work, I don’t care where the food has to go or how much needs to be ordered. Just tell me what boxes to stack and where you want me to put it.

The Hispanic guys at the warehouse started a practice where they go out to the clock and do 20 pushups every hour. So they recruited me and the art dealer. I count in Spanish, uno, dos, tres, quatro … Blue Boyz who walk by think we are crazy.

The corporate lawyer inmate at the warehouse is burnt out from the Blue Boy at the warehouse yelling at him every day. He runs around working and working but doesn’t look happy. He mumbles a lot to himself. Sometimes we talk lawyer talk, but he had a different clientele from mine. He did multimillion-dolllar corporate transactions. I told him I was just a street lawyer dealing with the salt of the earth, defending the rights of the poor, less fortunate, disenfranchised and other random misfits and malcontents.Kind of like the people I have been living with for the last 136 days.

Actually I have met many kind people here, many good Blue Boyz and many good inmates. You can’t let a few, or not so few, bad apples spoil the batch.

New Haven attorney Lawrence Dressler is currently serving a 20-month sentence in an out-of-state federal minimum-security prison for his part in a mortgage-fraud ring.

Previous installments:

Larry Noodles & The Tossed Banana
A Peanut-Butter View Of A Real Prison”
Tempers Flare Over … What?

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