The next time Elizabeth Benton shows up at the Board of Aldermen, she won’t be covering the news. She’ll be making it.
The New Haven Register City Hall and education reporter has taken a $53,000-a-year position with the DeStefano administration as aldermanic liaison.
She replaces Angel Alberto Lugo, who began the job just this past Feb. 23.
“Angel left to pursue other opportunities,” mayoral spokeswoman Jessica Mayorga explained Tuesday. He resigned on April 9 after working for seven weeks.
Benton (pictured; when not in City Hall she can be found performing with the New Haven Chamber Orchestra ), who started working for Register six years ago in the Naugatuck Valley bureau, said she will miss working in the paper’s “dedicated, smart and passionate newsroom.”
“I’ve been blessed with some of the best bosses and coworkers anyone can imagine,” she said.
The title of Benton’s new job, as listed on the city’s website: “Legislative/ policy assistant to the mayor.”
The listing for the job describes it as “a highly responsible administrative position supporting the Office of the Mayor in policy research; attending local legislative committee meetings; briefing and advising the Mayor on policy issues; researching and aiding in the preparation of press releases; creating and managing databases; meeting with constituents, school groups, special interest groups, community activists and others. “
She starts May 19. She’ll report to Chief of Staff Sean Matteson.
Matteson said Tuesday he’s “happy and excited to have Elizabeth aboard.” He called her “a good hire. She brings a good set of skills and relationships that is useful to move the city forward.”
“Elizabeth brings to the table impressive working knowledge of the city’s needs and policies as well as strong skills and relationships that will further strengthen the team,” Mayor John DeStefano stated in a release issued Tuesday. “As we work to make groundbreaking advances in education, public safety and economic development in our city, we aim to employ the best and the brightest to help us get the job done.”