(Updated) Police have arrested the man they say killed Tyrell Trimble. They’re not sure yet why he was killed.
A man in a ski mask shot Trimble dead on Elm Street outside Stop & Shop Plaza shortly before 1 p.m. on Monday, May 15. Trimble was 20 years old.

Police held a 1:30 p.m. conference at 1 Union Ave. with family members, including one of Trimble’s brothers and a sister (pictured with Chief Dean Esserman) to announce the arrest.
The arrestee is 18 years old and from Hamden. Police said they believe he was the triggerman. They’re familiar with him from previous violence investigations. He is currently in jail; a $2 million bond was set for this case. Authorities had the arrest warrant sealed. “There are going to be more arrests in this case,” explained Assistant Police Chief Archie Generoso.
Trimble, who hung out with members of the Tre Bloods in the Dwight/Kensington area, had been involved in a years-long feud with members of the rival Hill-based Grape Street Crips. Two months before his death, a Crips recruit put a gun to Trimble’s head and pulled the trigger, according to Trimble’s father. The gun didn’t fire. It did fire when the man turned the gun on Trimble’s friend. (Click here to read about that.)
Police have no established any connection to that incident and the May murder, according to Sgt. Al Vazquez, officer in charge of New Haven police’s investigative division.

David Zaweski (pictured at the press conference in between two supervisors, Vazquez and Sgt. Tony Reyes) was the lead detective on the case. Read a previous “cop of the week” story on him here.