Leonard Honeyman Photo
Workers prepare site for groundbreaking in two weeks.
It ‘s been a long time coming, but the official start of construction for the downtown Gateway Community College campus has finally been set for Jan.26.
The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for 11 a.m., that day with Gov. M. Jodi Rell and officials from the city and the state education and public works departments in attendance. City Deputy Economic Development Officer Tony Bialecki said he will announce the date at the Development Commission meeting Tuesday morning.
Mari Walker, a spokeswoman at the college, confirmed the date. The plan for the new downtown Gateway campus has been talked about for at least five years with relations between the city and state not always loving.
The ceremony will take place at the Temple Street Garage’s first floor, adjacent to the work site, with a reception to follow at the Shubert Theater, according to an invitation to the ceremony.
“This is a long time coming, but the date is finally set,” Bialecki said in an interview. The groundbreaking originally had been scheduled for last October, but had been pushed back due to intervening problems, not the least of which was the state budget crisis and the necessity to wait until the state Bond Commission gave the final OK for the $187.7 million project.
The commission took that action in late October, but college officials had to wait until the signal from the governor’s office that she would be free to attend the ceremony.
Plans call for everything now housed in the colleges Long Wharf and North Haven campuses except the automotive disciplines. College president Dorsey L. Kendrick has said the fate of the two buildings is up in the air.
The downtown New Haven campus is scheduled to be ready to receive students in the fall of 2012.
Leonard Honeyman Photo
The tunnel being worked on as part of the Gateway project is open to the sky during reconstruction Monday.
Although the groundbreaking has not yet taken place, workers have been busy on the project, which is located on the former Edw. Malley Co. and Macy’s department store sites bounded by Church, Crown, Temple and George streets.
Workers have been repairing the tunnel under the site that snakes from an opening near the Knights of Columbus building on Church Street and services subterranean loading docks, including those under the Omni Hotel at Yale and the businesses and residences located in the former Chapel Square Mall. The $10-million tunnel project will be paid for with state funds and grants.
While the work is underway, supply loads are being broken up and trucked into the tunnels through the entrance to the hotel garage, entering the tunnels at that point. The work will replace the floor and ceiling of the tunnels, as well as the ventilation system. The ground under the tunnels had become inundated with water.
The tunnels also will be the route to deliver supplies to the college and college refuse.
Bialecki said the breaking up has proven not hard to do, and all parties have been satisfied with the way it was going.
Take a tour of the tunnels with this video.