Guv Backs Red Light Cams

As New Haven relaunches its annual campaign for a red light camera bill, Gov. Dannel Malloy came out in favor of the concept.

I’m in favor of using technology, modern technologies to fight modern problems,” Malloy said Tuesday at an unrelated event in Simsbury where he unveiled storm-related legislation.

Malloy was referring to New Haven’s years-long quest to get state permission to use cameras to catch red-light runners. The legislature has rejected the proposal in prior years amid privacy concerns. At least one local lawmaker still has reservations as city officials and some New Haven lawmakers make another push for the bill in the next legislative session that starts in February.

Malloy said he’s not particularly tied to what the penalty is” but believes the technology available in red light cameras will help change behaviors.

He doesn’t know exactly how the legislation will be framed, but he said in order to overcome some of the objections to them the tickets issued using the technology may not carry points or would come with a lesser fine.

I do not believe we should be fighting bad behavior with one arm tied behind our backs, so availing ourselves of technologies that will help us ultimately correct those behaviors is highly appropriate,” Malloy said.

It would be difficult for me not to support it since I sent letters and written testimony in support of that literally since I became mayor of the City of Stamford,” Malloy said. I haven’t understood for the life of me why we are not using technology to positively impact changes in behavior.”

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