Mayor Toni Harp said Monday that Chief Administrative Officer Mike Carter will face unspecified “ramifications” for losing his temper with a union official but she will not heed the union’s call to fire him.
Harp made the comment during her latest appearance on WNHH radio’s “Mayor Monday” program.
Harp was asked about last Thursday ‘s confrontation between Carter and AFSCME Local 3144 Vice-President Harold Brooks at a disciplinary hearing. During a heated discussion, Carter repeatedly told Brooks, “Let’s take this outside.”
Brooks said he interpreted that remark as a threat of violence. Union officials phoned the police and called on Harp to fire Carter, arguing that he is responsible for enforcing a no-violence workplace policy. Carter apologized to Brooks for losing his temper and said he meant by the remark that the two should discuss the matter outside the room.
“He has apologized verbally and is really thinking through how to deal with a situation where you’re being egged on and where you’re being pushed to a certain extent. I don’t think it’ll happen again,” Harp said.
“He’s been a great asset to the City of New Haven. I would not support [dismissal]. But beyond that, I just want people to know that there will be ramifications. Beyond that, I don’t think I’m at liberty to say.”
Union President Cherlyn Poindexter said she wants to see what the “ramifications” are before she comments on Harp’s decision.
Click on or download the above audio file to hear the full episode of WNHH radio’s “Mayor Monday,” which also touched on the state of the women’s movement, the protest Monday by 100 public-school students, a state bill to convey Union Station and 16 state-owned lots around town to the city, and delays in building a youth drop-in center.

The episode of was made possible with the support of Gateway Community College and Berchem, Moses & Devlin, P.C.