David Sepulveda Photo
Somebody concluded that Westville’s Mark Oppenheimer is an “emerging leader in the humanities.” Fortunately for Oppenheimer, that somebody had $50,000 to spare.
That somebody is actually an institution: the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. The group looks around to spot talented people who are making a big impact on arts and letters, and seem poised to make an even bigger impact. Then it gives them a $50K “Hiett Prize in the Humanities.”
Oppenheimer just got one.
Oppenheimer’s contributions to arts and culture in New Haven and nationally have indeed been growing at a torrid pace. Author of books on religion and on debate, Oppenheimer used to report for the Hartford Courant. Then he edited the New Haven Advocate.
Today he writes a fascinating biweekly “Beliefs” column for The New York Times, runs the Yale’ Journalism Initiative, teaches at Yale and at Wellesley, and helps oversee the New Haven Review of Books, which he co-founded. In between working on books (three at once at the moment) and magazine articles. And in between his favorite job of all, father of three young daughters.