Christopher Peak Photo
Jacob Spell.
(Opinion) Jacob Spell, a senior at Creed High School and one of the Board of Education’s two non-voting student representatives, submitted the following opinion article about student opinion of the superintendent search:
The New Haven Board of Education has a tough decision to make, as the final candidates for the superintendent position all have unique qualities and experiences. However, in the face of a tough decision, it is crucial that we make the right one for our students. Dr. Carol Birks is one of these finalists, and I have tremendous respect for her as an educator. While the majority of the board has unofficially backed her as our next superintendent, I do not believe that Dr. Birks is the best fit for our school system. By listening to the students and playing a role in the interview process, I strongly recommend that the board reconsiders its position.
Makayla Dawkins and I have participated in the interviewing process, and we both can attest to the late nights that we have spent in our commitment to providing student feedback on each candidate. Interviewing candidates close to midnight can be tough on a school night, but that is the sacrifice that we were willing to make to help represent student voice; however, it is a travesty that our voices aren’t truly being heard despite the sacrifices that we make. We cannot vote on the matter, and the unofficial vote casted by the board did not reflect the candidate that we would have supported.
If I had the power to vote, my first choice as superintendent would be Dr. Pamela Brown. Out of her many strengths, one that I particularly marvel at is her background in bilingual education and her ability to effectively communicate in Spanish. I consider this a vital skill to have when serving our New Haven community. Also, Dr. Brown’s clear composure and outside perspective is the breath of fresh air that New Haven needs. Her experience as a successful educator in a variety of settings can help her bring a multitude of best practices that will coalesce with the great things that we already have going on in New Haven.
Though Dr. Brown is my preferred choice, I would also be in support of Mr. Gary Highsmith. I have seen firsthand how Mr. Highsmith’s passion for education has captivated a room full of students, as I watched him skillfully tack questions at the last citywide student cabinet meeting. While I think a fresh perspective could be helpful for the school system, Mr. Highsmith’s local perspective offers its fair share of benefits as well; furthermore, Mr. Highsmith has also presented innovative ideas that can be implemented to increase parent and student engagement.
I hope that when choosing the next superintendent, the board considers what is best for students. We have great candidates to choose from, and it would be a disservice to make a decision that is rooted in anything else besides improving our education. Political agendas and favors should not play a role in such a pivotal decision, and anyone who succumbs to such temptations should take a long look in the mirror.