(Updated) Luis Cabrera said he saw three teens on BMX bikes push a man into the bushes and run off with his money.
The mugging happened at around 1:20 p.m. on Wednesday at the corner of Elm and Garden Street in the Dwight neighborhood, according to Cabrera (pictured), who lives in the neighborhood. It was one of possibly two similar incidents that occurred in the area on Wednesday afternoon.
Here’s what happened, according to Cabrera:
A man in pink pants — Cabrera said he looked to be a Yale student — was walking on Elm Street, near the southeast corner of Garden Street. Three teens on BMX bikes rode up, pushed the man into the bushes (pictured) and took his money. The teens rode off westward on Elm Street. The man headed east on Elm, dialing on his cell phone. A short time later the police showed up.
“There was a strong-arm robbery,” confirmed Lt. Ray Hassett. A small amount of cash was taken, he said.
A second incident occurred in the area at around the same time, Hassett said. He didn’t have any further details.
Mayoral spokeswoman Jessica Mayorga issued a release at 5:26 p.m. about the two robberies. Before the Elm and Garden incident, a first mugging took place at Whalley and Sherman Avenues at 1 p.m. Two teens on bicycles approached the victim and robbed him. She asked anyone with details to contact the cops at 203 – 946-6316.
A caller to the Independent reported a possible third mugging that occurred nearby the first two, around George Street, around 1:30 p.m. Mayorga said her “understanding” is that no such third mugging was reported.
Arrest Made
Police apparently arrested someone after a nearby chase at 3:50 p.m. It was unclear whether the arrest was related to the muggings. According to reports on the police radio, at 3:50 p.m. an officer reported chasing a subject through backyards. Breathlessly he narrated the chase proceeding over fences, toward Boulevard, from Brownell Street.
“Get to the ground. I’m going to tase you!” an officer was hearing shouting at 3:51 p.m.
At 3:54 p.m. the dispatcher announced an arrest at 1448 Boulevard: “They have an apprehension.”
The state police were taking the lead in the arrest, which involved a drug bust. More details here.
Police Seek Missing Patient
Yale police were looking for a missing hospital patient on Tuesday afternoon. At 3:22 p.m., the call went out over the radio to all nearby units: a patient was missing, last seen near the Howard Avenue parking garage. He had an IV in his arm and may be drunk, the dispatcher said. “They want him back,” she concluded.