Melissa Bailey Photo
After five years interviewing government officials for the New Haven Register, Abbe Smith will be writing their quotes from the other side, as a Capitol press aide.
Smith (pictured), who’s 33, has taken a new job as a press aide for the Senate Democrats in Hartford. The post carries a salary of $48,000.
So far, she is assigned to perform press duties for three senators: Bob Duff of Norwalk, Paul Doyle of Middletown and Gayle Slossberg of Milford.
She reports directly to Adam Joseph, who recently left his post as spokesman for New Haven City Hall.
Smith most recently covered schools and City Hall for the Register.
“It was real emotional leaving” the newsroom, she said. She follows in the footsteps of former Register reporter Elizabeth Benton, who also left the Register to work for the government. Benton went to work as a policy aide to Mayor John DeStefano, then took Joseph’s job as City Hall spokeswoman when Joseph went north to Hartford.
“I liked covering New Haven, but I was ready to take on some new challenges,” Smith said in an interview at the Capitol Wednesday.
Smith and her husband still live in New Haven; they own a home in Fair Haven Heights.
“I’ll still be around on the weekends,” she said.
Meanwhile, the Register has posted her old job.
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