A first-time office-seeker from Newhallville Tuesday became the second person to file papers with the city clerk to run for mayor in 2013. His name is Sundiata Keitazulu. Ten-term incumbent Mayor John DeStefano has also filed. Two other Democrats, state Rep. Gary Holder-Winfield and Alderman Justin Elicker, are also “seriously” exploring runs. (Read about that here and here.) A rundown on his candidacy follows; click on the play arrow to watch him discuss it in an interview Tuesday.
Birth name: John Denby. Sundiata Keitazulu “is my religious [Zulu] name.”
Age: 55.
Birthplace: New Haven.
Profession: Plumber. “I’m a snake man.”
Reason for Running: “It’s time for a change. He’s [DeStefano] had 20 years to alleviate the problem. He hasn’t done it. … I know what the people need and what they want.”
Top Campaign Pledge: To revive the War on Poverty. To create two vo-tech schools.
Another Campaign Plank: Police should “never leave” the street in Newhallville. “I come down here [downtown]; I always see a police presence. Yale can afford its own police department. The inner cities, we’ve been left out in the cold.” In a comment posted to this article, he declared, “When I become Mayor Sundiata Denby Keitazulu, Patisia Adger will be Chief.”
Best U.S. President He’s Seen: Lyndon Johnson, who fought the War on Poverty with social programs. “We need to bring those programs back,” such as CETA (the Comprehensive Education and Training Act).
Best New Haven Mayor Ever: Richard C. Lee. “He was during the ‘60s when people were getting jobs.”
New Haven Heroes: The late community activist Annie Huckaby. Retired Educator Charles Twyman. His 3rd-grade teacher at Lincoln-Bassett School, “Miss Moore. In those days, you called teachers, ‘Miss Moore.’”
Who’s Supporting Him: Some people in Newhallville have suggested he run. He’s making a point of connecting with grassroots anti-violence groups to seek their support, he said.
How To Contact His Campaign: 203 – 654-5187.