Robin Comey, long active in community and education issues in town, will announce her intention Wednesday to run for Branford’s State Representative, a seat now held by Lonnie Reed.
Comey has been a resident of Short Beach for more than 25 years. Her announcement is expected to take place on Johnson’s Beach Wednesday evening. She first ran for elective office last November when she won a seat on the Representative Town Meeting (RTM), where she serves on the Education Committee.
She has now decided to seek state office on the Democratic ticket. Her treasurer, Anthony Giardiello, is a former majority leader of the RTM and was Reed’s campaign treasurer for many years. Reed, who has served 10 years, recently announced she will not seek re-election representing the 102nd District.
Comey is currently the executive director of the Branford Early Childhood Collaborative (BECC), which under her leadership transitioned to a non-profit status.
She formally filed her intent to run for State Representative with the State Elections Enforcement Commission yesterday.
Adrian H. Bonenberger, a former infantry officer deployed twice to Afghanistan, is also running on the Democratic ticket for Reed’s seat. Bonenberger, 40, works in the communications office at the Yale Medical School. This is his first run for political office.
Connecticut’s primaries take place Aug. 14.
So far no candidate on the Republican ticket has formally announced plans to run for Reed’s seat. .