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RTM Moderator Chris Sullivan, who had planned a floor fight at next week’s Democratic caucus to try to win the party’s endorsement for the first selectman’s seat, has withdrawn his name from that race, he said. That leaves Second Selectman Andy Campbell as the only Democratic candidate expected to seek the town’s top elected post.
His decision means he will resume the leadership of the Democratic Party. After he made his unexpected announcement to run for first selectman, he was asked to step aside as chair, a development that left the DTC without its leader. A number of seasoned DTC members told the Eagle they were angered to be placed in the position where their new leader was suddenly seeking political office.
The Democratic caucus will be held Wednesday, July 17 at Canoe Brook Senior Center at 8 p.m. For the first time in the last six years First Selectman Anthony “Unk” DaRos will not be running. His decision to retire created a wide open race for the first time in years. The Republicans hold their caucus on Tuesday July 16 at the Firehouse at 7 p.m. Third Selectman Jamie Cosgrove will face Board of Finance member Kurt Schwanfelder. Cosgove won the nomination last month; Schwanfelder plans to seek the nomination from the floor.
In a letter to the Democratic Town Committee (DTC) Friday morning Sullivan, 36, said that “after long consideration and evaluation, he and RTM member, Yve Larrieu, had decided to withdraw their names from the nominating process for first and second selectmen.
“This has been a difficult decision for us but we believe it is best for the Party to unify and move forward with the recommended slate of candidates as presented by the Nominating Committee,” he said.
Sullivan observed that he had learned a lot during his short but intense effort to win the nomination. In the end, he did not garner the votes he needed from the floor, he said.
“As part of working in this process, we came to the conclusion that the votes to obtain the nomination of the DTC were not materializing as we had hoped. So instead of prolonging a process that will have an inevitable result, we are stepping aside immediately for the Campbell/Storm ticket to lead the Democratic ballot in November.
Running with Campbell is Bruce Storm, former Branford Superintendent of Schools. Storm is seeking the second selectman’s seat.
Sullivan said in his statement that it was a wonderful experience to have the support of many friends. “Throughout this endeavor we have also learned a lot about political campaigning and the efforts and resources involved in the process.”
Asked for his reaction, CampbeIl said he appreciated “Chris Sullivan’s spirited challenge for the Democratic nomination for First Selectman, and I thank him for withdrawing from the race in the interests of Democratic unity.
“I look forward to working with the RTM, in coordination with my Town Hall administration, better together for Branford.” “Better together for Branford” is Campbell’s campaign motto.
Jim Perito, the acting chair, thanked Sullivan and Larrieu for “their active participation” and applauded “their decision to step aside so the party can unify and work towards the election in the fall. We look forward to rolling up our collective sleeves and getting to work for the Town of Branford,” he wrote in announcing the decision to DTC members this morning. Perito now resumes his position as vice-chair of the DTC along with Connie Drysdale who is a vice-chair as well.
The party leadership had urged Sullivan to withdraw rather than split the party via a floor fight and a possible primary. Had he not he might well have lost the backing of the party in future races. Talk of a “fractured” party emerged at the nominating meeting in June when Campbell was selected. Click here to read the story.
Sullivan said he will run again for his RTM seat this November. Sullivan has long envisioned himself as first selectman. But his candidacy created additional friction and divisiveness within the party because he was the chair of the DTC at the time he announced he wanted to run for first selectman.
In recent weeks top DTC leaders met with Sullivan about pulling out. Concerns about party friction, especially since half dozen Democratic RTM members were backing Sullivan, were also voiced at the nominating committee’s meeting last month. Sullivan then weighed the pros and cons and decided to bow out.