Allan Appel |
Mar 9, 2020 12:14 pm
A drab stretch of wall beneath the I‑91 overpass at Middletown Avenue and Front Street gives a grey, dull, cold concrete welcome — really a non-welcome — to Fair Haven. That may soon change with an artistic facelift.
Not from the state Department of Transportation, which owns the wall, but thanks to Fair Haveners who voted to spend $7,500 of public money to use art to improve the northern gateway to their neck of the city.
Thomas Breen |
Mar 5, 2020 3:22 pm
An industrial pump manufacturer plans to make at least $385,000 in capital improvements and hire 14 new employees at its recently acquired Fair Haven factory in exchange for the city giving up its right to take back a 1.84-acre undeveloped parking lot on the site.
A demolition crew Thursday afternoon took down a long-vacant white stucco building right on the Quinnipiac River at the northwestern approach to the Grand Avenue Bridge.
Officials say it was in danger of collapsing and falling into the river immediately below.
Brian Slattery |
Mar 5, 2020 1:24 pm
There are fleeting moments in Skeleton Crew — playing at Collective Consciousness Theatre through March 22 — where time seems to stop. We’re in the break room of a Detroit auto plant, and though the noise of the factory is running outside, inside is where the action happens. Times are tough at the plant and the relationships among the people who work there are wearing thin. Conversations get had that can’t get taken back. Secrets are kept and then revealed. And then, at the end of several scenes, it’s just one character alone onstage — Faye, played by Tamika Pettway. The fluorescent lights blink out, and the set is bathed in blue, and the weight of the world seems to settle on Faye’s shoulders, reflected in Pettway’s worried eyes. What is she going to do?
Maya McFadden |
Mar 3, 2020 1:20 pm
In three weeks, the Fair Haven community came up with $1,000 in donations to support local refugees displaced by the earthquakes in Puerto Rico — and neighbors topped it off with a community soup night.
The halls of the two-story brick building at 2105 State St. in Hamden will once again be filled with students and Christian congregants after the Christian academy that once occupied it closed its doors two years ago. “A Church for the City” is moving … to the suburbs.
Yesenia Rivera attended U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy’s visit to Fair Haven on Friday afternoon as a private citizen concerned about Puerto Rico. To her surprise, she found a chair for herself as the recently-elected president of the New Haven Board of Education.
Brian Slattery |
Feb 25, 2020 1:02 pm
Elida Paiz Pineda took her shoes off and knelt next to them, then began banging on the floor with one of them. For the crowd assembled at 26 Mill St., it was like a judge calling a court to order.
Necks craned. An audience gathered, weaving its way among enormous sculptures of lint, bandannas, and plastic.
And as Pineda continued her performance piece, Rabia Mistica, Rabia Eterna, and more people came to take it in, it brought home that this exhibit’s opening day had created a real sense of community.
Maya McFadden |
Feb 13, 2020 5:29 pm
Starting in the spring, drivers accustomed to driving west across the Grand Avenue Bridge will instead follow a new route to Fair Haven: a left south down Quinnipiac Avenue, then a right onto Ferry, across the Ferry Street Bridge, then up Ferry back to Grand.
A local road construction company plans to build a recycling facility near the Mill River to convert torn-up and discarded pavement into roadway patching material — while creating no new waste in the process.
Alan Veloz saw his parents struggle to understand English at his parent-teacher conference, then saw it happen again with his younger brother. So he decided to take action.
Allan Appel |
Feb 10, 2020 3:33 pm
Mark Oliver faced an array of choices when he joined neighbors in a “ranked-choice” voting process of deciding how to spend $20,000 to improve Fair Haven.
Cara McDonough |
Feb 6, 2020 12:40 pm
Observing Alexis Robbins’s Friday evening tap class, held on the top floor of Building 5 at Erector Square on Peck Street, one has to wonder if the people one floor below — and perhaps the people below them — are distracted by the sound. But one also has to wonder if those people, artists themselves, after all, might excuse the ruckus. It’s such a joyful noise.
Aisha K. Staggers |
Feb 3, 2020 3:58 pm
A small crowd gathered inside the Fair Haven public library branch to plot strategy to tackle a “unique American problem” — gun violence, especially gun violence that afflicts cities like New Haven.
Christopher Peak |
Jan 27, 2020 1:19 pm
After a month of hesitation about whether she had enough time to hold an elected position, Paola Acosta raised her right hand and took the oath to become a city alder.
Thomas Breen |
Jan 24, 2020 8:56 am
United Illuminating will be removing 3,500 cubic yards of contaminated soil from the all-but-demolished “Station B” site on Grand Avenue as part of the next stage of its English Station clean-up.
Thomas Breen |
Jan 22, 2020 3:35 pm
(Updated) Fair Haven’s Ward 14 was poised to have its fourth alder in three years as the newly elected neighborhood legislator said she was preparing to step down from her post.
But then she changed her mind — and will go ahead with being sworn into the office after missing inauguration.
Thomas Breen |
Jan 20, 2020 10:02 pm
An affiliate company of the local mega-landlord Ocean Management spent $1.45 million buying seven different two- and three-family houses in Jocelyn Square, Fair Haven, the Hill, and Newhallville, in the city’s latest property transactions.
Thomas Breen |
Jan 15, 2020 1:01 pm
The city plans to begin the estimated 18-month shutdown and rehab of the Grand Avenue Bridge in late March or early April, according to the city engineer and a newly inked form filed with the state.
An expert in resettlement and forced migration of Puerto Rican women and families is taking over temporary leadership of one of New Haven’s leading Latino organizations as it seeks its second new executive director in 16 months.
Thomas Breen |
Jan 8, 2020 4:10 pm
An industrial-use pump manufacturer has purchased Radiall’s former factory buildings on John Murphy Drive in Fair Haven for $3.2 million — with plans eventually to hire enough people to replace many of the New Haven jobs lost there.