Christopher Peak |
Sep 11, 2017 7:39 am
Christopher Peak Photo
City attorney Wolak and Det. Conklin exit federal court.
Federal Judge Jeffrey A. Meyer, a former Quinnipiac and current visiting Yale law professor, turned his Church Street courtroom into a lecture hall when it appeared a New Haven government lawyer needed a refresher course on the First Amendment.
Scene from a Wednesday demonstration in New Haven against the federal health care bill.
A Republican proposal in D.C. would cut tens of millions of people off Medicaid. Democratic proposals here in Connecticut could cause tens of thousands of more people to lose health care.
Jan Ellen Spiegel/ CT Mirror |
Apr 7, 2015 12:07 pm
Clean Energy Collective
Shared solar field in Rehoboth, Mass.
Shared solar, a concept that could make solar power available to the 80 percent of homes in Connecticut that are otherwise unsuited for it, appears headed for another rocky run through the state legislature.
• An out-of-state newspaper quietly zapped articles from the internet—to boost John DeStefano’s chances of winning another New Haven mayoral election.
• Meanwhile, you may have seen Jeffrey Kerekes hanging out at Occupy New Haven. But don’t be fooled — he’s secretly plotting! to help the Tea Party and maybe even the Obama-as-hidden-Kenyan birther movement infiltrate our liberal oasis with their agenda.
• Not only that — Kerekes looks like a zombie rising from the dead in a slasher movie, ready to rip kids out of classrooms and sweep “massive” numbers of teachers and other vital public workers into a virtual graveyard!!!
Melissa Bailey
Sep 12, 2011 8:02 am
In a late-game mailer, mayoral contender Tony Dawson blasted John DeStefano for making the city the “4th most dangerous in America,” called opponent Clifton Graves a mayoral “puppet,” and pledged to “immediately” fire the police chief. Crank up the Truth-o-Meter!
Thomas MacMillan
Aug 30, 2011 11:44 am
Thomas MacMillan Photo
Broadway Plaza parking.
Two months after Mayor John DeStefano handed over a Broadway parking lot to Yale, taxpayers got “one-two punch” from a 100 percent rise in parking fees, mayoral challenger Jeffrey Kerekes claimed.
A firefighter statistic missed the mark, while charges about democracy deferred landed closer to the target as Mayor John DeStefano’s three Democratic opponents took on his record at campaign debates, according to the Independent Truth-O-Meter.
An aldermanic candidate’s former backer complained he “misled” voters in a brochure. The candidate called the brochure accurate. Who’s right? We consulted the Independent Truth-O-Meter.