Thomas Breen |
Feb 26, 2025 2:14 pm
Thomas Breen file photo
I-91 diner, under new ownership.
A gas station development crew from Trumbull and the Bronx has purchased the I‑91 diner site for $1.225 million — as a neighbor seeks to stop the burgers-to-fuel conversion through a state court appeal.
Laura Glesby |
Oct 18, 2024 4:17 pm
Laura Glesby photo
Ann Moore: Eager to learn sign language alongside the babies in her new classroom.
Coming soon to a theater near you is a classroom of babies learning ASL alongside their ABCs.
That is, a former theater — the old Cine 4 movie theater at 25 Flint St., which on Monday will reopen as four infant-and-toddler classrooms as well as a new administrative hub for Friends Center for Children.
Q Meadows Alder Theresa Morant: “Yes! A safer neighborhood, finally!”
Laura Glesby File Photo
Route 80, make way for slower traffic, including in front of the 270 Foxon Blvd. hotel-turned-shelter.
Traffic calming medians and lighting are one step closer to coming to a six-lane stretch of Route 80, also known as Foxon Boulevard, thanks to $1.6 million in state funds that city government has now officially accepted.
Maya McFadden |
Jun 28, 2024 9:14 am
Maya McFadden Photo
LEAP Aquatics Director Oscar Rodriguez at the soon-to-be-filled-with-water Jefferson Street pool.
A privately owned pool will be open for free public access on Friday evenings — and for low-cost swim lessons throughout the summer — thanks to a youth athletics and tutoring nonprofit’s commitment to keeping the community in the water.
Maya McFadden |
Jun 12, 2024 11:43 am
Contributed photo
At Monday's school board meeting; Karen Wilkinson and Minnie Evans.
As New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) Superintendent Madeline Negrón grapples with the prospect of staff layoffs for next school year, long-term substitute teacher Maria Threese Serana called for more recognition of subs like herself who have been filling classroom vacancies daily since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Maya McFadden |
May 29, 2024 6:13 pm
Maya McFadden File Photo
Kindergarten reading levels: Going up, up, up?
New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) Superintendent Madeline Negrón has her eyes set on bringing kindergarteners’ literacy proficiency rates up from the current 18 percent to 80 percent by 2029 — as one of many goals included in the district’s new five-year strategic plan.
Foxon & Middletown, near site of Saturday's fatal crash.
A state-funded local plan to build traffic-calming medians on Foxon Boulevard moved forward at City Hall — several days before a 22-year-old driver lost his life in a fiery crash on the state-owned speedway itself.
Thomas Breen |
Apr 15, 2024 5:35 pm
City of New Haven photos
Before and after photos of the now-cleared former encampment.
The city cleaned up an abandoned homeless encampment off of Middletown Avenue Monday morning after the site’s sole former resident had a chance to retrieve any remaining belongings.
Allan Appel and Thomas Breen |
Apr 11, 2024 3:10 pm
Thomas MacMillan file photo
Wallace in the Hill with two of the youngest members of Guns Down, Books Up.
Raymond Wallace led by example, showing young New Haveners that they too could turn away from violence and towards a life of self-respect and love for their community.
Maya McFadden |
Feb 27, 2024 9:56 am
Maya McFadden Photo
Ann Brillante: Coming home.
Ten years after she left Metropolitan Business Academy to become an assistant principal at Wilbur Cross, Ann Brillante will return in two weeks to helm the Water Street interdistrict magnet high school.
Nora Grace-Flood |
Feb 15, 2024 12:40 pm
Nora Grace-Flood Photo
Emojiis: Closed Valentine's Day, ordered to stay closed after 11.
A bar has been barred from expanding its hours — after a plea by the owners of Emojiis on Middletown Avenue got more thumbs down than smiley faces from local police and next-door neighbors.
Dereen Shirnekhi |
Feb 5, 2024 1:29 pm
WaveMAX's ribbon-cutting ceremony.
In December, Michelle Robinson graduated from the city’s program for new entrepreneurs. Last week, she and her husband Jazz Stair celebrated the grand opening of WaveMAX, their new laundromat in Quinnipiac Meadows.
Social media postings by arrested alleged Exit 8 members, entered into evidence. The 8 ball is a reference to the gang.
New Haven has seen fewer shots fired these days — in part because of the arrest of a street gang “honcho” who has pleaded guilty to firing shots meant to kill.
Maya McFadden |
Jan 8, 2024 9:16 am
Maya McFadden photo
NHPS Food Services Director Baron Young: Backing up student ID numbers will avoid cafeteria traffic jams.
Faster lunch lines. More student feedback. Less wasted food.
New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) Food Services Director Baron Young has these goals in mind as he learns and works to resolve a myriad of food-related concerns six months into the role.
Thomas Breen and Nora Grace-Flood |
Nov 27, 2023 4:32 pm
Thomas Breen file photos
270 Foxon Blvd., newly acquired by the city ...
... ex-Church Street South land, newly bought by the housing authority.
The city has officially purchased a Foxon Boulevard hotel for $6.9 million, and is now busy converting it into a non-congregate homeless shelter that the Elicker administration said it hopes to open before Christmas.
And the housing authority has closed on its $21 million acquisition of more than eight acres of Union Station-facing vacant land that used to house the Church Street South apartment complex, and is about to embark on a year-long planning process to determine how best to transform that empty expanse.
A New Haven native and Yale New Haven Hospital secretary is running unopposed to become the next alder for Ward 12 — with a focus on finding some way to calm traffic on the neighborhood’s car-crazy stretch of Rt. 80.
Chris Murphy asks Raisa about her family as she shows him a photo of her daughter.
As 85-year-old Raisa pulled up a photograph of her daughter on her iPhone, U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy took a break from walking across Fair Haven Heights to ask her a question.
City Director of Community Resilience Carlos Sosa-Lombardo, with Community Services Administrator Eliza Halsey: This is a "game changer."
Thomas Breen file photo
Quinnipiac Meadows Alder Gerald Antunes: Not the right plan, not the right place.
The Board of Alders overwhelmingly approved the Elicker administration’s plans to spend $6.9 million in mostly federal funds to purchase the 56-room Days Inn hotel on Foxon Boulevard and convert it into a non-congregate homeless shelter.
Fed up with waking up to the rancid stench of flooded sewage in her apartment building’s basement, Hope started knocking on some of her neighbors’ doors at 1275 – 1291 Quinnipiac Ave.
Within six weeks, Hope had joined with other organizers with the Connecticut Tenants Union to gather 21 signatures from residents of the building’s 20 units. They officially filed the paperwork to become New Haven’s third and fastest-to-form tenants union on Wednesday afternoon.
Maya McFadden |
Aug 23, 2023 9:02 am
Maya McFadden photo
Tuesday's food packaging set up at NHPS' central kitchen.
A bag full of fresh peaches, Frosted Flakes, bread, milk, and peanut butter was packed to its brim and readied for delivery to a New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) family in need during the final week before school begins.
Laura Glesby and Thomas Breen |
Aug 1, 2023 10:25 am
Thomas Breen file photos
The Foxon Boulevard hotel might soon become a homeless shelter.
The Days Inn hotel on Foxon Boulevard will become New Haven’s first non-congregate homeless shelter to serve both individuals and families by this upcoming winter, if an Elicker administration proposal comes to fruition.