Yale is encouraging students to leave campus early, moving exams online, and switching to to-go meals as the fall semester ends amid a new wave of Covid-19 infections.
Thomas Breen |
Nov 16, 2020 4:23 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Testing at Murphy’s former Day Street Park site.
A Greenwich doctor who sparked controversy by cashing in on New Haven’s Covid-19 testing has seen his problems and fights broaden as new revelations emerge about his practice.
Laura Glesby |
Nov 13, 2020 2:09 pm
University of New Haven students can’t have friends visit them in their dorm rooms. Quinnipiac University students are being sent home for attending off-campus parties. SCSU is requiring RAs to double-swipe students’ IDs before allowing them inside buildings.
Those latest measures have failed to stop Covid-19 outbreaks, at least at the first two schools. They do show some of the different ways campuses are struggling to figure out how to keep the pandemic in check.
Laura Glesby |
Oct 27, 2020 11:55 am
Jacob Payne: 17 tests, and counting
UNH is ramping up random testing. Albertus is focusing on student-athletes, who get swabbed every other week. Yale is screening all undergrads twice weekly. Most commuter students at Southern needn’t get tested at all.
Those four New Haven schools have tried different approaches to Covid-19 this semester — and preliminary results are in.
Laura Glesby |
Oct 19, 2020 1:00 pm
Contributed photo
Sous chef Nick Hurwitz-Goodman cooking at a pre-Covid event.
Nick Hurwitz-Goodman, a sous chef at the University of New Haven, was feeling fine. But Covid-19 was spreading fast on campus, so he decided to get tested.
Hurwitz-Goodman tested positive. Now he is stuck at home, uncertain if he’ll develop symptoms, worried about his coworkers who might also have been exposed to the virus.
Laura Glesby |
Oct 12, 2020 9:49 pm
Summer McGee presents breakdown of Covid-hit dorms and floors.
University of New Haven officials came under fire Monday night for failure to contain a Covid-19 outbreak that spread to 100 cases — and caused an abrupt shift to online classes and a ban on all gatherings.
Laura Glesby |
Oct 9, 2020 12:54 pm
Laura Glesby Photo
SCSU dorm: Messaging gets through.
University of New Haven is sending orders of Insomnia Cookies to students in one of its dorms — after ordering a two-week quarantine after campus Covid-19 cases leapt from 1 to 50 in one week.
As of now, UNH does not foresee moving to a more virtual format or limiting on-campus life further. Despite the one outbreak, UNH and other colleges and universities conclude that their pandemic measures have been succeeding this fall, so they’re committing to staying the course in continuing their policies this coming spring.
Maya McFadden |
Oct 2, 2020 1:24 pm
Maya McFadden Photo
Gateway GM lab students mine the mysteries of a Chevy Colorado.
Like this year’s Major League Baseball players, a team of future mechanics is racing through a condensed in-person season at Gateway Community College with precautions aimed at avoiding a Covid-19 outbreak.
Maya McFadden |
Sep 30, 2020 9:46 am
Maya McFadden Photo
Albertus Magnus College frosh decided a painted chair representing their class wouldn’t be complete without green arms decorated with yellow and red crown-shaped coronaviruses.
Laura Glesby |
Sep 25, 2020 1:10 pm
Laura Glesby Photo
Essence Boyd outside her dorm.
Essence Boyd could hear the music blasting before she even got off the elevator in her dorm. She had just received a noise complaint from another student, and she was heading to check it out.
The music was so loud, she felt sure the students inside couldn’t hear her when she knocked and announced herself — “RA!” — before opening the door. Inside, she found ten to 15 of her peers partying. None of them wore masks.
Sam Gurwitt |
Sep 14, 2020 1:10 pm
Sam Gurwitt Photo
The glass table where Kaye Paddyfote attended Professor Khalilah Brown-Dean’s lecture on America’s prison system was spotless. Not a crumb was left from the cupcakes sitting on the nearby counter from a roommate’s birthday the night before.
John Bell was finally back getting his hands dirty learning how to fix up a car, now that his college worked to find a way for him to do it safely amidst a pandemic.
Jessica Reid passes the flame to freshman Zaporia Satterfield.
Albertus Magnus’s Class of 2024 was passed a virtual torch from the senior class as the college found a way to continue its traditional convocation candle-lighting tradition to kick off a school year marked by a pandemic.
Laura Glesby |
Sep 4, 2020 3:00 pm
Jacob Payne, Jess Guerrucci: Coronavirus complicates senior year.
For Jacob Payne, each day this week has been defined by a thrice-daily trek across Grove Street to get a meal to bring back to eat in his Yale dorm room. So far, there are only two other students living on his floor. It’s silent when he leaves his room, walks down the hall, down the stairs. His footsteps echo.
Meanwhile, Jess Guerrucci has been living the busy student life, albeit with some adjustments, down the road at Southern Connecticut State University, working and eating and taking classes alongside her peers.
Laura Glesby |
Aug 25, 2020 6:24 pm
Movers carry Quentin Vergara’s belongings to his dorm room.
Laura Glesby Photo
Ananya Asthana arrives to move in.
Ananya Asthana was about to head to the room where — fingers crossed — she’ll be living for the next year.
First, though, she would need to get tested for Covid-19. Then, she would have to lug two sacks full of food up to the bedroom she has to herself, where she’d remain for up to 48 hours before receiving an initial negative test result.
Maya McFadden |
Aug 25, 2020 6:19 pm
New Albertus Magnus College students began moving into their residence areas Tuesday with the goal of “not letting Covid stop my life,” as freshman Avlin Mayers, 17, put it.