Faith Matters

Faith (Still) Matters

by | Mar 11, 2025 2:00 pm | Comments (0)

Note: This is the first installment in a Faith Matters” column that will include pieces written by local clergy.

(Opinion) – I’ve been contributing to the New Haven Register’s Faith Matters column for over a decade. I have to admit that it came as a great disappointment to me that a decision had been made to discontinue the column. 

I have always viewed Faith Matters as a pleasant light in a world filled with far too much bad, sad, and mad news. I was honored to be among its contributors. The decision to snuff that light happened to occur just as it was my turn to submit another column. Twice in the dozen or so years I’ve been contributing, the due date snuck up on me and I found myself having to produce a column in a matter of hours. The first time I got a friendly where’s your column?” phone call, I was driving. I pulled over, said a prayer and began to write. It was a very decent piece if I do say so myself. No one can tell me that faith doesn’t matter. God helped me get it done!

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