Thomas MacMillan |
Dec 11, 2013 9:04 am
The last time developer Ben Gross showed up in the Hall of Records to pitch a plan to renovate Goatville’s crumbling Star Supply building into apartments, neighbors lined up to stop him. On Tuesday evening in the same room, those neighbors showed up to heap praise on his new and improved plan.
Thomas MacMillan |
Nov 20, 2013 9:20 am
The repair was supposed to take only a year. Now three years into the closure of the State Street bridge, and $20 million in added costs later, the state has announced it won’t finish the job until at least the summer of 2015— prompting one state legislator to offer to try for “disaster relief” for businesses near New Haven’s public-works “money pit.”
For decades Ann Wiel and her mother would walk by the memorial monument to the neighborhood dead of World War II in tiny Triangle Park at the intersection of Mechanic and Lawrence streets. The name of her uncle, Edward Marino, the first local boy killed, was inscribed there.
Then suddenly three years ago it was gone. Stolen.
Now, as Veterans Day approaches, a replacement monument is back.
Thomas MacMillan
Oct 22, 2013 2:33 pm
Six months after his plan to revamp the old Star Supply warehouse was squashed, developer Ben Gross has returned with a new partner and a new vision for the crumbling State Street building, this time with fewer apartments, more parking — and neighborhood support.
Melissa Bailey
Aug 12, 2013 3:39 pm
Frustrated business owners will have to wait another year until their customers can reach them via the State Street bridge, thanks to yet another delay in a years-long construction project at the Mill River.
Democratic mayoral candidates Justin Elicker and Toni Harp far outpolled their competitors and walked away with victories in a triple convention in East Rock Thursday evening.
Thomas MacMillan
Apr 10, 2013 8:26 am
With two dozen neighbors standing silently by, the zoning board voted to deny a developer permission to rehab a vacant Goatville industrial building into hundreds of new apartments.
Thomas MacMillan
Apr 5, 2013 8:22 am
Plans for a new life for a long-vacant industrial building cleared a key hurdle, leaving the local alderwoman still pressing for a promise that Goatville won’t wake up to find a looming tower over the neighborhood and the disappearance of needed parking.
After an outpouring of opposition from neighbors, the developer behind a planned 268-apartment project at the edge of East Rock’s Goatville section agreed to continue parleying — and promised it’s not too late to change the plans.
Thomas MacMillan
Mar 5, 2013 5:48 pm
As plans shape up for a new 268-apartment development at a sprawling abandoned building in East Rock, Stefanie Lapetina wonders if she’ll soon have a seven-story tower looming over her backyard, or new neighbors’ cars taking all the parking on her street.
A preserved historical gateway building. Brick and clapboard townhouses with porches that greet the neighborhood. A pedestrian mews with “urban gardens” off Mechanic Street.
Melissa Bailey
Jul 27, 2012 9:21 am
After a truss gave out on the roof of an abandoned East Rock warehouse, Jim Palmer grabbed his chainsaw, jumped in a “man basket,” and swung through the air on an emergency demolition mission.