Breaking News
Melissa Bailey
Jun 30, 2006 9:21 am
With its old board of directors “imploded,” this year’s books balanced, and a new building in the works, the city’s most corruption-mired anti-poverty agency is starting anew. “It was just time to move forward and restore the hope and integrity of the organization,” said new Community Action Agency CEO Amos Smith (pictured at right), after a meeting Thursday night at which the board of directors was almost entirely turned over.
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‘CAA Blows Up Its Board’
Melinda Tuhus
Jun 29, 2006 10:13 am
On the eighth anniversary of the removal of five downtown bus stops, a group of New Haveners (some of whom are pictured at left) marked the occasion with a sit-in on the steps of City Hall. Several of the stops have been restored in the past two years, but not the one at Church and Chapel. These folks want it back, but the city administration has moved on —” to something better, it promises.
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‘An Energizer Bus-Stop Protest Keeps Going’
Tess Wheelwright
Jun 7, 2006 9:30 am
Soup kitchen volunteer John Bethke surveyed the edible booty donated in honor of National Hunger Awareness Day. You won’t catch him complaining, but more would have been better heading into the summer crunch.
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‘Hunger Awareness Day, Like Any Other’
Jun 6, 2006 3:42 pm
“Everything in life is about energy. If we have enough positive energy, we can overcome any negative energy we may encounter,” said State Sen. Toni Harp as she helped to kick off the 15th annual summer training program for LEAP, a community-based literacy and recreation program that stands for “Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership” on Monday evening. And what positive energy they had.
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‘Inspired to LEAP’
Message: We Care. Next?
May 1, 2006 1:32 pm
Hundreds of New Haveners were back in town Monday after traveling to D.C. to march against genocide in Darfur, Sudan. Allan Appel rode one of the buses and filed this report. Paul Bass returned both inspired and a bit confused about the message; click here for his report.
Allan Appel
May 1, 2006 1:27 pm
It takes a lot to get a contemporary urban teenager or young adult up before dawn, but there are recorded instances of this phenomenon occurring, especially when the reason is a call to action to raise voices against the genocide in Darfur.
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‘Aboard the Darfur Express From New Haven’
Melissa Bailey
Apr 25, 2006 7:41 am
Over the course of two months, these birds grew inside giant green eggs in a room full of dinosaur bones. Then they pecked their way into the daylight, bringing new life, and gushing visitors, to Yale’s Peabody Museum. The emus —‚Äù four of six have hatched —‚Äù are now set to leave the museum.
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‘Modern-Day Dinosaurs Roam’
Melissa Bailey
Apr 21, 2006 4:54 pm
As human-rights protesters cried out down the street, Chinese President Hu Jintao told a New Haven audience that China’s political system is not going to change. He vowed peaceful international cooperation, especially with Yale: Hu invited 100 Yale students and faculty to visit his country this summer. “I know that many of our students and faculty will take this up with delight,” gushed Yale President Rick Levin, who hosted Hu.
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‘Hu: China Will Not “Copy Other Countries”’
Paul Bass
Apr 21, 2006 2:31 pm
This activist Yalie committed what would be a crime in China when he wrote pro-democracy slogans in chalk in a public space. In new Haven, he didn’t get arrested. He was told to stop.
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‘“Free Speech =” Keep Moving’
Paul Bass
Apr 21, 2006 12:51 pm
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‘Scenes From a Presidential Visit’
Paul Bass
Apr 21, 2006 12:41 pm
Red and yellow banners, dueling megaphones, meditators and marching band members turned downtown New Haven into a battleground of protest and response Friday as China’s president came to town. The confrontations brought to the surface the global debate underlying Yale’s decision to take the lead among Western universities in embracing the China Miracle.
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‘Red Flags Over New Haven’
Melissa Bailey
Apr 21, 2006 8:16 am
A quarantined S.U.V., three resignations and $600,000 in deficit: Welcome aboard, Amos Smith! Smith was appointed Thursday to the helm of the city’s biggest, most scandal-ridden, financially strapped anti-poverty group, The Community Action Agency.
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‘Welcome Aboard’
Melissa Bailey
Mar 17, 2006 8:50 am
In an emergency meeting Thursday night, the board of directors of New Haven’s scandal-ridden Community Action Agency decided not to renew the contract of the state-appointed interim director hired last year to steer the anti-poverty agency away from a history of bureaucratic unaccountability, corruption and political game-playing. “We’re in the middle of a transitional period and in that transition we’re looking to hire a permanent CEO in the next couple weeks,” said Darrell Brooks, president of the board (pictured, right), after the meeting.
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‘CAA Boots Another Chief’
Paul Bass
Mar 14, 2006 3:06 pm
It was windy weather for catching stuffed dogs on the New Haven Green Tuesday afternoon. That didn’t stop Marta Holmberg. She’d traveled too far to let this catch go.
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‘A Whale—Or A Puppy?—Of A Tale’
Tess Wheelwright
Mar 3, 2006 8:12 am
Gay rights activists Leslie Cooper and Alphonso David (pictured) joined other gay rights activists from around the country in urging a New Haven audience to fight back against campaigns in 16 states to bar adoption by same-sex parents.
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‘The Un-Sweet 16’
Trash Talk
Feb 20, 2006 8:33 am
James Ward wasn’t trying to be cute. Yes, he knew he was wearing a cheeky slogan on his back when he started working the other day for the Yale recycling pick-up crew. And Ward, who’s 49, likes the slogan — he thinks it’s clever. But while the slogan may look spray-painted, it actually comes with the shirt, part of the official uniform. Does Ward really want people talking trash to him? Not really, he said. “It’s just a joke.”
Feb 8, 2006 7:09 pm
A crew of New Haven pastors is in New Orleans surveying the human toll of the aftermath of the hurricane, and seeing how they can help. They sent this picture and others, and a report of the trip so far.
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‘Witness to Katrina’
Paul Bass
Feb 8, 2006 6:22 pm
She didn’t talk about health care. She offered a small idea or two about fighting youth crime in cities. Instead, the Big Idea offered by Gov. Jodi Rell Wednesday as she launched her election-year budget was this: no more car taxes. New Haven State Rep. Pat Dillon (top photo) said she’s concerned about supporting any tax cuts; New Haven Mayor John DeStefano (bottom photo) dismissed Rell’s plan as “a real cynical shell game.”
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‘Rell Unveils a “Bold” Plan’
Melinda Tuhus
Feb 3, 2006 10:30 am
Local Haitians and other New Haveners concerned about Haiti sponsored an evening full of poetry (including verses by Baub Bidon, pictured) and political discussion Thursday about what the future may hold in that country, where elections —” postponed four times due to violence —” are now scheduled for next Tuesday.
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‘“The Wealth of What America Calls Poor”’
The Gun That Won the West Ditches New Haven
Paul Bass
Jan 17, 2006 12:51 pm
The last 186 or so remaining workers at New Haven’s Winchester rifle plant are getting the pink slip. The Belgian owner of U.S. Repeating Arms Company (as the firm’s now called) informed the union that it plans to close the plant for good March 31. City officials scrambled Tuesday to come up with a plan to find the workers new jobs. They were also meeting with company officials before appearing at a 5 p.m. press conference. In its heyday the Winchester plant employed some 15,000 workers at its complex straddling the Dixwell and Newhallville neighborhoods, most of which has now become Science Park. The city offered repeated rounds of corporate welfare to keep the company in town — ultimately to no avail. Now, said mayoral spokesman Derek Slap, “We’re looking at three quarters of a million [dollars] that the city could possibly recoup” under terms of the company’s tax abatements. Click here to read a City Hall press release, which details all the government gimmes showered on this company.
Melinda Tuhus
Jan 16, 2006 8:12 am
Bernice Johnson Reagon, founder and leader for three decades of the African American women’s a cappella group, Sweet Honey in the Rock, was not scheduled to sing when she appeared at Yale’s Sprague Hall Sunday night to deliver a talk in connection with the Peabody Museum’s weekend celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. But it is a performance space, so most in the small crowd who attended (small due to the ice storm) were hopeful they would hear her sing. And sing she did —” her absolutely clear, pure voice resonating through the acoustically perfect hall.
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‘Words—and Notes—Of Freedom’
Melinda Tuhus
Jan 15, 2006 5:53 pm
Amid all the commemorations of Martin Luther King’s civil-rights campaigns, one of King’s cohorts (pictured) came to New Haven to remind us of another King crusade that resonates today: his antiwar crusade.
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‘Eyewitness to King’s Other Crusade’
Paul Bass
Jan 9, 2006 3:34 pm
A New York agency has downgraded the city’s bond rating. Don’t worry, said mayoral spokesman Derek Slap (pictured); City Hall’s dealing with it.
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‘City Bond Rating Slips’
Melinda Tuhus
Dec 23, 2005 8:50 am
That was the message Barbara Fair (pictured) and other moms gathered at the public library Thursday sent to Connecticut’s criminal justice system.
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‘“Stop Taking Our Kids. Stop Locking Us Up”’
Subway Strike’s Upper Reach
Melinda Tuhus
Dec 20, 2005 11:53 am
New Havener Mimi Chapnick was on the 7:51 a.m. Metro-North train today out of Union Station, heading to New York City. She works as a chiropractor in Manhattan, just a few blocks from where the train ride ends. “I’m lucky enough to just get out at Grand Central and walk — thank God,” she said. Others interviewed this morning also planned to walk to their destinations, which perhaps indicated that others who normally commute into the Big Apple had decided to telecommute or take the day off.