Quinnipiac School Principal Monica Morales and West Rock Principal Yolanda Jones-Generette will head up Fair Haven School and Celentano Magnet School, respectively, starting this July.
The New Haven Board of Education voted for their transfers on Monday evening, alongside the promotion of Marisol Rodriguez to principal of Columbus Family Academy.
“Are there any volunteers at home who want to do this problem?” said New Haven Academy biology teacher David Herndon, addressing the portion of his class tuned in via computer. “Don’t all jump at once.”
His in-person students giggled.
Herndon switched his attention back to the physical classroom — and, like high school teachers all over New Haven, navigated a new normal of teaching two types of classes at once: Remote, and in-person.
Hundreds of Yale union members and dozens of labor-decorated cars closed off Prospect Street to issue the Ivory Tower a contract-negotiation ultimatum: Do right by your workers, or else.
Sophie Sonnenfeld |
May 1, 2021 11:15 pm
Armed with paint, roughly 150 organizers, union members, and New Haveners Saturday gathered to call on Yale to “pay their fair share” for tax-exempt properties and honor a local hiring commitment.
John Tucker said he studied hard to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a firefighter, then hit the jackpot: He scored 100 on the civil-service hiring exam.
Then he learned he still had to win a round of Lotto as well.
Angela Walder’s doctor has prescribed her remote work for the rest of the school year. Her employer denied that request and ordered the Barnard paraprofessional to return to in-person work this week, or take unpaid time off.
She took the time off.
This is one outcome of New Haven Public Schools’ messy efforts to bring roughly 250 teachers, paras and other staff members with Covid-related accessibility accommodations back to in-person work.
Madison Hahamy |
Apr 30, 2021 9:07 am
She was pregnant. She had a 2‑year-old child. And she got Covid-19.
Because her employer didn’t have to offer her sick days, she faced a choice: Stay home and let her family go hungry. Or go to work sick and contagious.
Ninety-nine prospective firefighters who tied for first place in a civil-service test were ready for a lottery Wednesday night to determine whether they’d win job offers — until a last-minute appeal quashed the action.
Columbus Family Academy Assistant Principal Mary Derwin will step into a new role in July as supervisor of New Haven’s Head Start pre-kindergarten program.
Angered over anti-police sentiment, a “proud combat veteran” has turned in his New Haven police badge #50 after five years in order to combat crime in Arkansas instead.
KBE Building Corporation has selected the large steel and concrete contractors for a six-story hotel that will complete development of the “Route 34 West” superblock. Now, it’s time to select subcontractors and fulfill city expectations of minority hiring.
The city appears on the brink of settling a lead paint lawsuit, while preparing to argue who has the right to sue whom over the fate of a Dwight playground and a retired fire union president’s pension.
Thomas Breen |
Apr 20, 2021 9:09 am
The Board of Alders unanimously approved closing off sections of Prospect Street on May 1 and May 5 to accommodate UNITEHERE plans to install a new work of public art and to hold a rally in support of local hiring, as the union continues to negotiate a new contract with the university.
Allan Appel |
Apr 15, 2021 8:56 am
The police department has made conditional offers of employment, pending background checks, to five officers currently working in other towns or at least already certified and trained.
This interest by “laterals” in coming to New Haven represents the success of a new recruitment tactic in response to recent years’ “blue exodus” and to help fill the ranks of the NHPD.
By the end of the school year, teachers will get a third chance to select their union president — for a term that is nearly over.
U.S. District Judge Vanessa L. Bryant has ordered the New Haven Federation of Teachers to hold a second rerun of a controversy-plagued Dec. 2018 election.
Allan Appel |
Apr 14, 2021 4:28 pm
“According to police spokesperson Officer Scott Shumway …”
Get ready to read that a lot in local news stories: Shumway has been tapped as the new public information officer (PIO) for the police department. He starts the post Monday, replacing Capt. Anthony Duff, who retired Wednesday.
The New Haven Board of Education plans to transition away from posting police officers in schools. The planned first step is to invest more in school psychologists, counselors and social workers.
New Haven Public Schools has hired a new chief operating officer, five months after the resignation of previous COO Michael Pinto.
The Board of Education Monday evening voted to hire Thomas Lamb for the administrative post in a 5 – 1 vote. Tamiko Jackson-McArthur voted against the hire; Darnell Goldson was absent.
New Haveners used to have to pay to learn how to save lives. Now, they can get paid to do that emergency medical training under a new American Medical Response program called Earn While You Learn.