Amistad High School’s principal has placed two staffers on administrative leave pending an investigation based on complaints from students about inappropriate behavior, and two other staffers for allegedly failing to report the complaints.
Thomas Breen |
Oct 1, 2019 12:12 pm
A senior accountant with nearly three decades of city service is challenging an engineering executive assistant with two decades on the job for the presidency of the municipal clerical workers union.
Thomas Breen |
Sep 16, 2019 10:36 pm
Alders unanimously approved a new police union contract that will grant city officers their first pay raises in over three years, and that will also cost the city around $834,000 more in annual pension contributions.
Laura Glesby |
Sep 14, 2019 9:14 pm
For decades, U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro of New haven has fought for a law she believes would address gender disparities in income. The latest version of the bill — known as the Paycheck Fairness Act — has been stalled for months in a Republican-dominated Senate.
Appearing together Saturday, at Gateway Community College, DeLauro and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said they haven’t given up hope, encouraged by recent legislative successes in Connecticut and a rising wave of public support.
Thomas Breen |
Sep 12, 2019 2:15 pm
City officials and top cops grappled with whether raises and predictability will stem a “blue exodus” of officers, as a proposed new police union contract advanced to the full Board of Alders for a final vote.
Thomas Breen & Christopher Peak |
Sep 10, 2019 6:16 pm
As canvassers headed toward the home stretch of Tuesday’s Democratic primary, a labor door-knocking duo converted at least one skeptical Beaver Hills resident to vote for Mayor Toni Harp through a pitch that focused on jobs, public safety, and Goffe Street Park.
Christopher Peak |
Sep 5, 2019 8:21 am
Even after last year’s budget cuts slashed the teaching force, more teachers fled to other school districts this year, leaving the district’s human resources office scrambling to catch up.
Dennis Serfilippi |
Sep 4, 2019 11:53 am
Dennis Serfilippi (at right in photo), a Westville activist and candidate for alder, wrote the following opinion article about this news story:
(Opinion) Last month, I began receiving alerts the City was about to sign a very expensive Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with NHFD Local 825. A few days later I received a copy of the MOU, and began discussing the language with people familiar with the deal. All of the people with whom I spoke agreed the City should not have been negotiating a new deal at this time, and the agreement signed was a very expensive one for the taxpayers. All of the people with whom I spoke agreed to do so with the understanding I would not disclose their names.
Construction & General Laborers’ Local Union No. 455 has endorsed the candidacy of Justin Elicker, who is challenging Mayor Toni Harp in a Sept. 10 mayoral primary.
Before taking off his red tie to go knock on doors in southern Hamden, union leader and former State Senate candidate Jorge Cabrera Tuesday made what Mayor Curt Leng called a “surprise” announcement: he endorsed Leng in the Democratic Sept. 10 mayoral primary against Councilwoman Lauren Garrett.
Mayoral candidate Justin Elicker picked up his first labor endorsement Tuesday, from the International Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers, Local 1.
New police officers who retire before serving 25 years on the force will have to wait until they turn 52 years old before they can start collecting city pension benefits.
Meanwhile, officers will get long-sought raises, including retroactive overtime payments.
The Greater New Haven Central Labor Council has endorsed Mayor Toni Harp in her reelection bid, granting the mayor her fourth labor nod of support in two weeks.
Thomas Breen |
Aug 12, 2019 10:19 pm
Hundreds of local labor leaders, politicians, and rank-and-file union members filled First & Summerfield Church to celebrate the signing of a new agreement with Yale that creates over a dozen permanent job training and hiring programs targeted at New Haven residents from “neighborhoods of need.”
Assistant Police Chief Luiz Casanova retired and dropped a federal lawsuit against the city in return for $82,500 and a purging of his disciplinary record.
“You cannot hand out a union paper on state property,” a city parking authority staffer lied to a local Uber driver as he booted him off a Union Station sidewalk.
Christopher Peak |
Jul 31, 2019 2:02 pm
An argument over which parking spot and entryway an elementary-school teacher in a wheelchair is allowed to use has cost the school district hundreds of thousands of dollars.