Fireworks? But it wasn’t the Fourth of July weekend.
Branford’s fireworks display, usually held on the last weekend in June, is among the earliest in the area. It’s been that way for years.
Photographer Mary Johnson provided our spectacular photos.
According to organizer Ray Ingraham, there’s a reason for that. First, he said, the big cities have fireworks over the Fourth of July, so there’s less competition. Second, it costs less; there’s a premium for that special weekend. Finally, it frees up a lot of town workers for the Fourth of July weekend and for the Fourth itself, which we celebrate today.
Firefighters on the scene made sure things stayed safe. Here’s the crew from Indian Neck.
And here’s the crew from Pine Orchard.
Ingraham, who is the Republican RTM majority leader, said that approximately 8,000 shells (110 cases) were set off from Branford Point by Bay Fireworks. It took about 10 hours between Friday and Saturday to set them up.
Those enjoying the display appreciated their efforts.
Ingraham said 2,000 to 3,000 people crowded into Branford Point to view the display. Another 1,000 watched them from Foote Park. Ingraham noted that organizers have been encouraging people to head over there to watch them.
People also gathered a various beaches along the shoreline to watch the fireworks.>
The displays lit up the sky and surroundings and their colors reflected off the water.>
According to Ingraham, organizers, especially Nicole Cipriani, put extra effort into coordinating the food trucks that were part of the event. Three were at Branford Point – Ice Cream Guy, Greek ‘n’ Out, and Shoreline Prime and two were at Foote Park – Sweets & Treats and Melly P’s Paninis. They all contributed toward the fireworks.
The Branford Town Band provided patriotic musical accompaniment.
“When times got bad around 2008, there was a lot of talk (on the RTM) about discontinuing them,” Ingraham said. But, he said, former First Selectman Unk DaRos came to their defense, saying “The fireworks are for regular people. They need a place to decompress.”
Decompress, indeed… judging by the crowd’s ooo’s and ahhh’s.>
“That sticks,” Ingraham said, adding “It’s a fun night – a time to kick back.”
And to listen to sounds of the moment.