Guv To Sign 2nd Chance” Law At 2nd-Chance Spot

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy unveiled one of his two top legislative goals for 2015 — passing a Second Chance Society” criminal-justice reform bill — in New Haven. He returns to town Thursday to mark its success.

Malloy is scheduled to conduct a ceremonial signing of the law, which passed in last week’s special session at the state legislature, at 12:30 p.m. at New Haven’s new Small Business Academy in Dixwell Plaza. It was one of two ceremonial signings planned for Thursday. (The other’s in Hartford.)

The law aims to keep nonviolent offenders out of jail and steer them toward more productive lives — such as through programs like the small business center. Among other features, it eliminates mandatory extra penalties for drug offenders found in drug-free zones” (i.e. pretty much every square inch of cities), reduces penalties for numerous drug crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, expedites pardons, and makes it easier for some offenders to get out of jail on parole without a hearing.

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