Why did Police Chief Francisco Ortiz (pictured above) transfer Lt. Billy White — then change his mind? That’s the question of the hour in the unfolding city police bribery and theft scandal. Ortiz offered answers Monday. Click here to read about it.
Other developments:
The state’s ACLU chief (pictured) accused the mayor of ducking responsibility and questions about the affair by “scapegoating” another prominent black leader with accusations of a “shakedown.” Click here to read more.
Embattled Lt. Billy White (pictured) — at the center of the scandal after his arrest last week in an FBI sting — was honored as “cop of the year” at this police-firefighter hockey game last year.
Cllck here to read a potboiler 57-page FBI affidavit about the case; here to read about the “Estupido” incident on Long Wharf; and here, here, here, here, here , here and here for other coverage of the case.