Today On WNHH Radio

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On the tail of some strongly-worded responses to the Yale Humanist Community’s effort to erect a nine-sided obelisk on the New Haven Green, YHC director Chris Stedman came on WNHH radio’s Artbeat” give an impassioned defense of the installation and discuss the ins and outs of crowdfunding with crowdfunding advisor Onyeka Obiocha. Today’s broadcasts explore that controversy, and more. 

On SeeClickFix Radio,” Rob Smuts, former chief administrative officer of the City of New Haven, speaks about his new role as deputy director of emergency management for the city of San Francisco — and about privatization, citizen engagement, local democracy, and seawalls. To listen, click on or download the audio above, or subscribe to WNHH’s new podcast Dateline New Haven” on Soundcloud or iTunes.

Guest host Babz Rawls-Ivy welcomes Tanya Poole Hughes, executive director of the CT Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, and Cheryl Sharp, deputy director for the of the CT Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, on The Show.” To listen to why we’re all one community,” click on or download the audio above, or check out WNHH’s new podcast Elm City Lowdown” on Soundcloud or iTunes.

Yale Humanist Community Executive Director Chris Stedman and Crowdfunding guru Onyeka Obiocha join host Daniel Fitzmaurice for Artbeat.” Starting with a recap of Yale and New Haven Humanism Week, the two discuss their hope for a seasonal, light-based installation on the Green, their plans for crowdfunding, and reactions to those in the community who are less than supportive of the project. To listen to the episode, click on or download the audio above, or subscribe to WNHH’s new podcast WNHH Arts Mix” on Soundcloud or iTunes.

How did New Haveners receive news of the attack on Fort Sumter that triggered the Civil War on this date in 1861? Join This Day In New Haven History” time-travelers Allan Appel and Jason Bischoff Wurstle of the New Haven Museum as they read the telegraph intelligence that worries about the traitors in our midst” and even a possible imminent attack on Washington D.C. To listen, click on or download the audio above, or check out WNHH’s new Elm City Lowdown” podcast on Soundcloud or iTunes.

On Dateline New Haven,” Chris Rice and Holly Geffs of Students for A New American Politics talk about their efforts to connect low-income students with progressive U.S. Congressional campaigns — and pay for their internships. To listen, click on or download the audio above, or subscribe to WNHH’s new podcast Dateline New Haven” on Soundcloud or iTunes.

Mornings with Mubarakah” host Mubarakah Ibrahim welcomes Nadine Nelson, founder of GlobalLocal Gourmet, and Tagan Engel of City Seed to discuss nutrition, access to fresh food, and farmers markets in New Haven. To listen, click on or download the audio above, or check out WNHH’s new podcast Elm City Lowdown” on Soundcloud or iTunes.

Time travel with Allan Appel and Jason Bischoff-Wurstle on This Day In Norton Street Beautification History as they time-travel to this day in the fine year of 1911. That’s when the Beaver Hills Company argues at a public hearing for widening Norton Street with a park-like median. One of the early developers of the planned community wanted to make the new homes attractive by having sight lines that might make a veritable boulevard right to West Rock. To listen, click on or download the audio above.

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