The Public Building Commission and the Board of Education met jointly recently to review the initial construction document budget for the $88.2 million renovation of the Walsh Intermediate School prior to submittal to the state.
Before the meeting, the Building Commission met in executive session to discuss the hiring of a “clerk of the works” for the Community House-Senior Center project and subsequently voted to recommend that the town enter into a contract with Arcadis, out of Middletown.
Scott Pellman of Collier’s International, owner’s representative, said that drawings for Walsh are being reviewed and sign-offs are being conducted with local officials, due Nov. 20. Schools Superintendent Hamlet Hernandez said that while the state budget has been passed, no letter has been received; he said he would reach out for the confirmation.
Pellman said at a meeting earlier in November with Fusco (construction manager) and Antinozzi (architects), the budget was discussed line by line in preparation for the Dec. 5 state review deadline. Construction costs stand at $70,677,400. The remaining balance of the $88.2 million includes technology, furnishings, fees, and contingency, which will be bid out in a separate package.
“We’re in good shape,” said Pellman.
The commission and board discussed a list of items within the budget that can be adjusted for cost flexibility. A change in the design of the school’s exterior panels is cosmetic and would increase the cost, as would the use of local granite in the school sign and as pavers.
Other changes in the specifications resulting in lowering costs include: the use of a different grad of vinyl tile in the cafeteria, eliminating lightning protection, reducing the insulation in the roof from 10 inches to 8 inches, modifying the materials for window shading, and retaining some of the existing gym equipment such as backboards.
Pellman explained that the list was generated based on discussions with the Board of Education and the Building Commission. “We want to be good stewards of the community’s funds,” he observed.
In terms of the schedule, Pellman said the project is in the construction document review stage. Bidding on Phase 1, which includes site preparation, is expected to take place in mid-December. “We’re right on schedule,” Pellman said.
Clerk of the Works
At its October meeting, the Building Commission had discussed candidates and their responsibilities for the clerk of the works position for the Community House-Senior Center along with a schedule that would make the best use of their time and the project’s budget. The list was narrowed down to Arcadis, McCloud of Bridgeport, and Scope Construction of New Britain; they were all close in pricing.
Arcadis was recommended at this week’s meeting and the town will determine the final terms of the contract and schedule.