BikeSummer” Rolls Toward New Haven

paul%20hammer.JPGBikeSummer 2007 is coming to New Haven. A group of stalwart bike advocates (including Paul Hammer, pictured) met at City Hall to begin laying the groundwork.

BikeSummer is a traveling celebration of all things bicycle. It has moved through several big cities in the U.S. and Canada in the past five years or so, and this summer New Haven is one of the host cities, along with Los Angeles and Portland, Oregon.

bill%20looking%20out.JPGMembers of Elm City Cycling, a local advocacy group, are pulling it together. But they (or we,” including this reporter) want and need help from the wider community to make it truly memorable. Bill Kurtz (pictured) is the project’s fearless point person.

During at Tuesday night’s City Hall brainstorming session, the ideas flowed so fast that some participants got a little batty (see photo above). The premise is to incorporate many of the bike activities that already take place, then create more and incorporate them all into BikeSummer — to kick off in June with the dozen rides Elm City Cycling members lead as part of the International Festival of Arts & Ideas.

Other suggestions: monthly Bike to Work breakfasts; Critical Mass rides on the last Friday of the month; bike movies on the Green or at the Criterion; an art show for bicyclists who are artists or artists who use bike images; East Rock time trials; women’s rides.

Paul Hammer wants to organize an Elm City Parks Tour, modeled on the Hartford Parks Bike Tour, that would benefit Elm City Parks Conservancy. The ride would encompass some of New Haven’s signature parks, and maybe some lesser-known jewels as well.

Anyone will be able to propose an activity, and post it to the online calendar, which is not up yet.

Organizers announced a logo contest, to run until the end of March. The winning logo will appear on all publicity, as well as buttons and t‑shirts.

To join in the planning visit this site to sign up. The next Elm City Cycling meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 9, 6 p.m., at City Hall in Meeting Room 2.

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