The Community Development Committee of the Board of Aldermen will hold a workshop at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19, in the Aldermanic Chamber of City Hall, 165 Church St., to host a Community/Economic Development Initiatives Forum.
Per order: Marcus Paca, Chairman; attest: Ronald Smith, City Clerk.
For a disability-related accommodation, please call (203) 946‑6483 (V) or (203) 946‑8582 (TTY) at least one business day prior to the meeting.
Aldermen to Host Community/Economic Development Initiatives Forum
NEW HAVEN – The Board of Aldermen’s Community Development Committee will hold Community/Economic Development Initiatives Forum on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the Aldermanic Chamber of City Hall, 165 Church St.
The Community Development Committee is chaired by Alderman Marcus Paca of the 24th Ward.
This event will be a summit meeting of leaders from private industry, public-sector agencies, and education to:
Communicate visions for community and economic development in New Haven for 2011.
Gather specific information on plans, programs and possibilities in light of their respective focuses; and potential impacts on the city.
Share ideas for partnering through progressive city/legislative and community engagement in the current economic climate.
There will be a question-and-answer session and an opportunity for public comment.
Admission is free.
For more information, call the Office of Legislative Services at (203) 946‑6483.