Today’s Legal Notice

The Public Safety Committee of the New Haven Board of Aldermen will hold a workshop at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, January 15 in the Aldermanic Chamber of City Hall, 165 Church St., to discuss:
* Community Policing: the Past Year in Review.
* Project Longevity (gang and gun violence reduction initiative).
Per order: Brian Wingate, Chairman; attest: Ronald Smith, City Clerk. For a disability-related accommodation, please call (203) 946‑6483 (V) or (203) 946‑8582 (TTY) at least one business day prior to the meeting.
Revised 1 – 10-13: In addition to the matters previously posted, the committee will hold a public hearing on the following legislative item:
* From the Chief Administrator, a resolution authorizing acceptance of 2011 regional Homeland Security grant funds and approving a Memorandum of Agreement designating the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments (LCRVCG) as Administrator.
This item is available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, 200 Orange Street, Room 202.

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