City Notice


Notice of Decision

In accordance with Sections 36 and 41 of the City Charter, 1993 Revised, notice Is hereby given of the enactment and approval of the following named ordinance:

Zoning Ordinance Amendments regarding the BD‑1 District clarifying Bulk, Yard and other Requirements for Residential Construction (Table 3, Sec. A), to Provide Open and Common Space Requirements for Residential and Mixed Use Buildings (Sec. 43(i)(1)), to Pemit Compact Car Parking Spaces (Sec. 45(a)(1)a.6), clarifying that Mixed Use Buildings are Permitted (Table 3, Sec.A.2), and clarifying that text prevails over Table 3

(Karyn M. Gilvarg, City Plan Director, CPC 1473-02)

Said Ordinance APPROVED (i) amendments to Section 42, Table 3 to provide that all uses in the BD‑1 Districts will be subject to the business and industrial district parking, loading, bulk, yard, and sign regulations, that mixed use buildings will be permitted in BD‑1 Districts and that ordinance text shall prevail over Table 3 in the case of a conflict (ii) amendments to Section 43 to require in the BD‑1 Districts, a minimum of 50 sq. ft. per dwelling unit of open space plus 50 sq. ft. per dwelling unit of common space for buildings with 6 or more units and (iii) amendments to Section 45 to permit 30% of all required parking spaces in the BD‑1 Districts to be compact spaces.

Said ordinance is on file in the City Clerk’s Office, Room 204, Kennedy Mitchell Hall of Records, 200 Orange St., where they may be inspected or copies applied for and reference thereto is hereby made a part of this notice.

The aforementioned ordinances, were enacted by the Board of Aldermen on the 6th day of May, 2013 by a vote of 26 ayes and 0 nos.

Said ordinances will become operative and in effect on May 21, 2013.


Ronald Smith, City Clerk

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