The Education Committee of the Board of Alders will meet on Thursday, November 29, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the Board of Alders Chamber located at 165 Church Street, 2nd Floor; New Haven, CT to hold a workshop on the following item:
To review the state of English Language Learners (ELLs), who are from a multiplicity of origins,
languages, races, and backgrounds, and who represent a significant number of New Haven
Public School students, with the goal of exploring data, staffing, financial resources, best
practices, and other programs that may help support ELL students at the local, state, and federal
Per Order: Hon. Aaron Greenberg, Chair; Attest: Hon. Michael Smart, City Clerk
These items are on file and available in the Office of the City Clerk, Room 202 at 200 Orange Street; New Haven, CT 06510.
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