The Finance Committee will hold a workshop on Monday, April 29, 2019, at 6:00 P.M, in the Aldermanic Chambers, 165 Church St., New Haven, to review portions of the Annual City Budgets proposed for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2019;
The following City Departments will be heard:
1. Chief Administrators Office; East Rock Tower Enterprise Fund; Various Organizations (AMR/MEDCOM)
2. Public Library
3. Parks, Recreation & Trees; Enterprise Funds (Alling Memorial Golf Course; Lighthouse Carousel; Walker Skating Rink)
4. Public Safety Communications
5. Police Department
6. Fire Department
7. Public Works
8. Engineering
The City of New Haven 2019 1920 Annual Budget is filed with the City Clerk and may be inspected at Room 202, 200 Orange St., New Haven. Per order: Hon Evette Hamilton, Chair. Attest: Michael Smart, City Clerk.
If you need a disability related accommodation, please call three business days in advance 203 946 8122 (voice) or 203 946 8582 (TTY).