The Joint Community Development/Tax Abatement Committee will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 23, 2018, at 5:45 P.M, in the Aldermanic Chambers, 165 Church St., New Haven, to act upon the following items;
From the NHP Foundation submitting an application for Tax Abatement for Low‑Multi‑Family Residential Developments for Parcel bounded by Ella T. Grasso Blvd., North Frontage Rd., Tyler St. and Legion Ave. AKA 16 Miller Street, New Haven, CT. 06511
These items are filed with the City Clerk and may be inspected at Room 202, 200 Orange St., New Haven. Per order: Hon. Frank E. Douglass Jr. and Hon. Ernie Santiago, Co Chairs. Attest: Michael Smart, City Clerk.
If you need a disability related accommodation, please call three business days in advance 203 946 8122 (voice) or 203 946 8582 (TTY).