Notice of the 2022 – 2023 Consolidated Plan Application Process

The City of New Haven will initiate the funding application process for its 2022 – 2023 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development Programs – utilizing US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding.

This year the application process will occur online through the City’s Bonfire Portal. Links to the applications on Bonfire are provided below.

To begin the process the city will be hosting a public informational meeting via Zoom on:

Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 10:30am

The zoom meeting can be found at:

Meeting ID: 953 5775 5505

Password: ConPlan22

Or by calling:

929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 953 5775 5505

Password: 425160450

Informational Meeting Specifics

Attendance at the informational meeting is not mandatory yet strongly encouraged. Meeting materials and links to application materials and funding criteria will be posted on the city website at by December 9, 2021.

During the informational meeting City staff will provide an overview of the process and application requirements; discuss regulatory requirements; highlight past performance; and discuss the City’s goals, objectives and funding priorities. City staff will also discuss reporting requirements, accountability, transparency and outcomes.

Eligible Applicants

Applicants must be certified 501(c)3 agencies working in New Haven to apply for funding, but all interested individuals are welcome to attend the informational meeting.

Agencies applying for HOPWA funds may be located outside the City of New Haven but must provide services to clients within the greater New Haven MSA.


The City now has several applications available for submission in a fillable Word document format. It is important that applicants utilize the correct application for their proposed project.

There are four (4) CDBG applications (Public Service, Economic Development, Housing Rehabilitation/Acquisition for Housing, and Public Facility and Improvements.) There are also separate applications for Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funding and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding.

In an effort to streamline the application process, funding applications are now separated by funding category, as described above. If you are unsure about what category your project falls under, please seek technical assistance with City staff.

Also, in order to communicate more effectively with agencies, notifications pertaining to the Consolidated Plan Process may be sent from a new email address

The application instructions include a list of eligible activities, City-specific objectives and funding priorities that are consistent with federal eligibility guidelines and the City’s Five-Year Consolidated Plan. The goals, objectives and priorities included in the application will guide the City’s funding allocations for program year 2022 – 2023.

Eligible applications will be required to demonstrate an ability to leverage additional funding from other sources, demonstrate concrete deliverables within the funding year and form meaningful partnerships with other area agencies. Funds that are awarded for public improvements and housing development must be spent within eighteen months.

Bonfire Links

Links to the applications, instructions, and supporting documentation can be found on the City’s web page under Government \ Budgets & Financing \ Federal Reports.

Deadline for Submission

The deadline for submitting complete applications and supporting documentation through the City’s Bonfire Portal is 5:00 PM EST Tuesday, January 11, 2022. No applications will be accepted after the deadline. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Applications that are incomplete or duplicated applications previously submitted will be rejected without appeal.

Citizen Participation

The City has recently completed the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) for Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021. The CAPER, the complete 2020 – 2024 Five Year Consolidated Plan and the 2020 – 2021 Annual Action Plan are all available for viewing on the City’s web page under Government \ Budgets & Financing \ Federal Reports.

The City welcomes all forms of citizen participation in the Consolidated Plan process. Any public comments should be directed to the Office of Management & Budget, 165 Church Street, 3 rd Floor, New Haven, CT 06510 attn: Mr. Ron Gizzi and emailed to

Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance will be available to all applicants throughout the application process. If assistance is needed to access the online application or to attend the informational meeting please contact Mr. Shawn Garris at

We look forward to your participation in our community development process.

Justin Elicker, Mayor

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