Campaign 2012

“Ron Paul Revolution” Brings Debate To Streets

by | Jan 10, 2012 1:05 pm | Comments (41)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

Diana and Tom Auchter and Leah Wolczko.

Nashua, NHYou can’t live in fear!” Ron Paul supporter Leah Wolczko exclaimed. You can’t cede your life to government control because you’re scared of terrorism, she said.

You’re much more afraid!” responded Republican voter Diana Auchter. You’re frightened the government is out to get you, she said. Besides, her husband Tom added, who’s going to protect us from terrorists?

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Occupiers Crash The Primary

by | Jan 9, 2012 9:11 am | Comments (12)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

Floyd Brock isn’t selling gourmet meats.

Manchester, N.H.—As the first-in-the-nation presidential primary approached, some of the most visible action on the main street here came not from candidates or staffers, but decidedly non-Republican activists swarming into the state from Connecticut and as far as Nevada.

Continue reading ‘Occupiers Crash The Primary’