Lieberman Faces Firing Range
| Aug 31, 2009 12:43 pm |When U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman showed up in New Haven Monday morning, 20 cops opened fire.
When U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman showed up in New Haven Monday morning, 20 cops opened fire.
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| Jul 24, 2009 7:58 am |Claudette Robinson-Thorpe thought she could follow in Moti Sandman’s shoes — as a newcomer breaking into politics by making an impact at the micro-level of the Democratic Party. Thursday night, in her view, she learned that in New Haven even joining a ward committee is not so simple.
Her opponent’‘s response: I call back, too.
“It’s like there’s a war going on in our front yard,” Jennye Hansen pleaded. Police Chief James Lewis said he may have found the solution to her problem.
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| May 22, 2009 10:02 am |A Hamden businessman won permission to store towed cars in a yard in Beaver Hill, after he promised to make a number of improvements and live by a number of conditions.
David DelValle and his buddies planned to roar into the Freddie Fixer Parade on their dirt bikes.
Then they ran into Lt. Leo Bombalicki.
Neighbors who have been cleaning up this pond see a looming threat to their efforts — a garage planned by Southern Connecticut State University.
Fresh from vacation in Aruba, Lt. Leo Bombalicki (pictured, left) updated members of the Whalley-Edgewood Beaver Hill Management Team Tuesday evening on his efforts to implement Chief James Lewis’s post- community policing philosophy, which will no longer allow the “community” to “direct” law enforcement by “screaming.”
Continue reading ‘Bombalicki: “Community” Won’t “Direct Police”’
Now that the Beaver Hill Shopping Center has a new owner, neighbors like Jim Travers are hoping that the “dilapidated eyesore” will get a makeover. Hoping, and working to make sure.
Decrying “profiling” and an “abuse of power,” protestors descended on the Whalley Avenue police substation Friday.
A wall in the Whalley Avenue police substation is posted with the mug shots of 25 young African-American men. The 25 aren’t wanted for any crime. They’re men the district’s new top cop aims to push out of the neighborhood or into jail.
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| Jan 20, 2009 7:48 am |Would-be bank bandits beware: A new sheriff has pulled into Norton and Whalley.
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| Dec 16, 2008 2:09 pm |Lt. Sydney Collier is leaving his perch as top cop in New Haven’s “WEB” district to join a former colleague in Virginia.
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| Dec 3, 2008 2:35 pm |Neighbors organizing to stop a laundromat from opening on Whalley Avenue have taken a new tack: focusing on parking.
Meir “Chesky” Holtzberg was saying a graveside prayer when he learned the news: Terrorists were holding his cousin hostage in India.
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| Nov 25, 2008 8:00 am |After losing round one, Whalley residents met in an emergency meeting to plan the next step in their opposition to the new laundromat poised to open in their neighborhood.
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| Nov 19, 2008 7:48 am |Whalley-Edgewood-Beaver Hill (WEB) embarked on a letter-writing mission. The goal: “Curb appeal.”
Neighbors stormed the Hall of Records to speak out against a new laundromat for Whalley Avenue. They wanted to talk about loitering and litter; the Board of Zoning Appeals wanted to talk about parking, and only parking.
After years of struggling with the sound of gunfire, Beaver Hill neighbors like Seth Poole (pictured) are finding hope in a new plan to move the police academy and its firing range out of earshot.
Continue reading ‘City Seeks To Relocate Academy, Firing Range’
Hit with a spray of opposition to their proposed Laundromat, the Sproviero brothers left a community meeting disheartened, but not dissuaded from their plans.
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| Sep 11, 2008 4:17 pm |Megan Harrison was stopped behind a school bus when a man driving behind her just couldn’t wait. He slammed into her Jeep Eagle — then fled.
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| Sep 4, 2008 8:10 am |In an emergency meeting, Whalley Avenue neighbors tried to put the brakes on a plan to bring a second branch of a Laundromat chain to the commercial corridor.
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| Aug 14, 2008 8:22 am |Wayne Jones hit the jackpot — snatching a $384,000 Colony Road home for just $25,000 at a foreclosure sale. Then his luck ran out.
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| Jul 21, 2008 9:20 am |Against the backdrop of an arboreal ghost, Wayne Jones picked up a Colony Road Tudor for a mere $25,000. At least he thinks he did.
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| Jul 16, 2008 12:05 pm |The police firing range may or may not be disturbing the carp in Beaver Pond, but its impact on humans may lead to its moving near a cemetery.