Beaver Hills

“Funkaerobics,” Belly Dancing Get Beaver Hills Fest Shaking

by | Oct 1, 2007 8:54 am | Comments (1)

belly%20dancer.jpgYou want every extra bit of flesh to be shaking around!” Amanda Muneerah” Hilton shouted over her shoulder, wiggling her hips. American culture tells you that’s bad, but in belly dancing, it’s good!” A group of disciples imitated her actions, learning how to do snake arms” — raise your arm from elbow to wrist to fingers and then let it drop — at a wellness festival hosted by business owners in the Edge of the Wood plaza on Whalley.

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Chief Starts Damage Control Tour

by | Mar 20, 2007 11:17 pm | Comments (2)

IMG_7518.JPGIn effort to repair public trust in the wake of the recent bribery and theft scandal in the police narcotics unit, top police brass began making the rounds Tuesday to neighborhood management teams. Police Chief Cisco Ortiz gave assurances that drug arrests would continue, and pledged to hold accountable all officers who may have turned a blind eye to coworkers’ illegal schemes. They’re just as guilty as the ones who committed the crime.”

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“Brooklyn” Waves To Whalley

by | Mar 14, 2007 2:02 pm | Comments (0)

For those low-income or working families unaware of New Haven’s free help with tax returns and the Earned Income Tax Credit, Lady Liberty is attracting customers on Whalley Avenue for one of several tax-prep services that charge fees and snooker cash-needy clients into costly advances” on refunds. Click on the play arrow for a brief chat on the job, including some statuesque tax-prep advice.

Name The Edge Bear

by | Dec 12, 2006 10:33 am | Comments (12)

edge%20bear.jpgIt’s hard to say a proper hello to the friendly bear who greats shoppers at Edge of the Woods on Whalley Avenue — because he/she doesn’t have a name. Have a suggestion for the name? Post it by clicking here; Edge owner Peter Dodge is offering a $20 gift certificate for his favorite.

Westville, Meet Whalley

by | Nov 22, 2006 8:35 am | Comments (0)

If this looks like a team photo, it is, sort of. But why were Sgt. Bernie Somers and A.P. Mastrogiovanni (on the left in the photo) and Angelo DeLeo, the president and secretary respectively of the Westville-West Hills Neighborhood Management Team, far from home and hanging out at the Whalley/Edgewood/Beaver Hill (WEB) Management Team meeting on Tuesday night at the substation across from Edge of the Woods?

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Dems Endorse Replacements for Rawls-Ivy, Jolly

by | Sep 27, 2006 7:07 am | Comments (11)

Scrambling to fill the Ward 28 aldermanic seat left empty by Babz Rawls-Ivy, who resigned after admitting to stealing $49,000 in federal funds, local Democrats chose an Orthodox Jewish man with deep family roots in Beaver Hill. In a vote that the Democratic Party chairwoman is calling into question, Moti Sandman (pictured) beat out Jamaican-born entrepreneur Ilona Leffingwell for the ward committee endorsement Tuesday. Meanwhile, in Ward 14, Fair Haven activist Erin Pascale beat out City Hall opponent Evelyn DeJesus-Vargas for the endorsement to fill another vacancy.

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