Beaver Hills

WEB Embraces New Beat Cops

by | Sep 20, 2006 12:01 pm | Comments (3)

The spike in crime has startled Edgewood and Beaver Hills as much as any neighborhoods in town, with some people questioning whether community policing is dying. But the cops received nothing but love at a meeting with the area’s management team, and these two officers were part of the reason why. Meanwhile, Police Chief Cisco Ortiz announced that more cops would soon be on the street.

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Resignation Looms?

by | Sep 12, 2006 3:58 pm | Comments (1)

City Hall’s opponents and supporters alike were scrambling Tuesday to find a candidate to replace Beaver Hills Alderwoman Babz Rawls-Ivy. If, as expected, Rawls-Ivy (at left in photo) resigns her seat this week in the wake of her guilty plea to embezzling public money, a special election must take place within 45 days to choose her successor, under Section 53 of the city charter. Independent readers have been unanimous in their comments in calling for Rawls-Ivy to resign. Wrote one reader: I’m sorry to read of her misdeeds, but I know firsthand that she has done tremendous good — for the four children she has adopted, and for her neighborhood and the city. I’m sure Babz will do the right thing now and resign, but our city will be the worse off for losing her as an alder.” Click here to join the discussion; please be civil and respectful in your choice of words.

City Pushes New Vision for Whalley

by | Aug 11, 2006 3:25 pm | Comments (12)

People who live or work along Whalley Avenue want the city’s most heavily-traveled corridor to have more character than Route 1 in Orange.” So do city officials like Kelly Murphy (at right in photo), who unveiled new marketing efforts Friday to attract new business along the least attractive stretch of Whalley, where a new zoning overlay” aims to make new construction more appealing” and pedestrian friendly.

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Troubled Boys’ Home Divides Beaver Hills

by | May 18, 2006 8:31 am | Comments (1)

Beaver Hill is a single-family neighborhood,” said Francine Caplan (pictured), protesting a troubled boys’ home moving onto a stately neighborhood street. It spoils the fabric of the entire neighborhood.” In a clamorous meeting at Hillhouse High School Wednesday night, Caplan joined 75 neighbors in debate over whether the proposed home fits the neighborhood. Some applauded. Others called remarks discrimination” against those in need.

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A (Special) Tree Grows in Beaver Pond Park

by | Apr 18, 2006 3:31 pm | Comments (0)

In honor of the winners of Mayor John DeStefano’s first annual Green Awards, the sun shone brightly Tuesday, the birds sang sweetly, and a big crowd turned out to see a flowering cherry tree planted at Beaver Pond Park. (And the guns were fired noisily, but that’s another story.) The honorees were Oliver Barton, director of Common Ground High School, and Ed Grant, an environmental activist for decades, whose many claims to fame include the annual Freddy Fixer parade, which promotes clean-up and recycling in inner city neighborhoods. Grant is shown at left with several Common Ground students.

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In Range—& Earshot

by | Mar 22, 2006 8:57 am | Comments (1)

The firing range at the Police Academy on Sherman Avenue draws FBI and Secret Service agents, members of the U.S. Coast Guard and local patrol cops. Honing firing skills is key, especially with the recent spate of violence against cops —‚Äù three separate incidents in the last month. But neighbors say the range, where guns go off in evening hours, disrupts neighborhood peace. Sgt. Stephen Shea (pictured) responded to neighbors’ complaints at a Whalley/Edgewood/Beaver Hill (WEB) Management Team meeting Tuesday night at the police substation on Whalley Avenue.

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Keeping Up The Pressure

by | Jan 25, 2006 9:50 am | Comments (1)

After a neighborhood meeting Tuesday night, activists in Beaver Hills are guardedly optimistic that Southern Connecticut State University is listening to their concerns about Southern’s proposed construction of a parking garage, but they also plan to keep all their options open as the process moves forward.

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“We Want Our Street Back”

by | Jan 22, 2006 3:28 pm | Comments (2)

A gunman emerged from a car around 1:30 a.m. Sunday, fired bullets into two men on the corner of Blake and Whittlesey streets, then continued the job as one of the victims lay dying on the sidewalk before he drove away. Conetta Liburd (pictured) heard at least ten shots from her bedroom up the block — and thought about how her neighborhood has changed over the past year.

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Roiled on Roydon Road

by | Jan 13, 2006 12:52 pm | Comments (4)

Look who’s moving into the Beaver Hills neighborhood: A wave of young families with children like Emma (pictured)— and a sober house of up to 12 recovering alcoholics and drug addicts. The families say they don’t want to be NIMBYs but they worry about the block’s future. The brewing battle touches on finer points of zoning law as well as broader questions about how and where to reintegrate addicts into society.

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Double Vows

by | Oct 26, 2005 9:52 pm | Comments (1)

It was a day for vows at City Hall Tuesday for Beaver Hills politicians. Alderwoman Babz Rawls-Ivy of the 28th Ward renewed her wedding vows the same day, and at the same place, that Thomas Lehtonen was sworn in to replace the late 27th Ward alderman, Philip Voigt. The Board of Aldermen staff captured the event with these pictures. 

Thomas Lehtonen is congratulated by Voigt's widow, Democratic Town Chairwoman Susan Voigt.

Great Guy, 61

by | Oct 5, 2005 8:40 pm | Comments (4)

Some called him alderman.” Others called him dad or co-worker or friend. Everybody called him a Great Guy — everybody, whether they were voting with him or sitting on the opposite side of the table. That’s what made Philip Voigt, a city alderman and longtime labor leader who died Wednesday after a bout with cancer, stand out on New Haven’s often-fractious civic terrain. And it offers a clue to how he made such a difference.

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Not Wild About Harry’s

by | Sep 14, 2005 6:39 pm | Comments (1)

Neighbors say Harry’s Package Store at the commercial heart of Beaver Hills has been a mess for years. Especially the lot around it, pictured here. The city’s set to fine the owner $100 a day. The owner — who runs upscale restaurants elsewhere in town — says he’s tried to make the property nice but unreasonable neighbors have stopped him.

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