Bishop Woods/ Q Meadows

Lights Up For Javier

by | Jan 10, 2014 9:26 am | Comments (0)

Allan Appel Photo

Javier’s grandmother Sonia Martinez and his mom Zaida Martinez distributed hundreds of flyers for the meeting.

Looking young people in the eye and building relationships of value with them. Keeping the schools open until midnight. More lights, cameras, and cops.

Those are some ideas for saving the lives of young people like Javier Martinez.

But how about bringing back those old emergency call boxes too?

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Yul Replants His Sign

by | Oct 22, 2013 12:03 pm | Comments (6)

Allan Appel Photo

Yul Watley returned to home to find his two Toni Harp campaign signs removed from his front yard. By the time he got to the bottom of the disappearance, his simple act of planting the signs has resulted in a broader review of the rules for some New Haven public-housing tenants who express support for political candidates.

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Driver Dies; Cyclist Critical

by | Sep 8, 2012 10:13 pm | Comments (0)

A fatal crash occurred on Middletown Avenue by the off ramp of I‑91 Exit 8 around 1:30 a.m. Saturday.

According to police spokesman Officer David Hartman, a man lost control of his van while driving at a high rate of speed. … [H]e lost control. The van skidded from the roadway. He was ejected from the van, which then rolled on top of him. He died as a result of injuries sustained in the crash.” Hartman identified the driver as Jose Suarez; his age was immediately available.

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“God’s People” Helped

by | May 9, 2011 11:20 am | Comments (3)

Allan Appel Photo

Christopher O’Connor and his crew of some 20 volunteers from St. Aedan/St. Brendan Church in Westville arrived at a dilapidated house across town on Barnes Avenue 7 a.m. Saturday. They were ready for a full day’s worth of work replacing a tub that was nearly falling through the floor, seven windows, two entryways, and all the ceiling lights, not to mention a complete re-landscaping.

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Middle Class Moves In

by | Sep 13, 2010 12:13 pm | Comments (7)

Allan Appel Photo

Public school custodian David Wiel and his wife Maria have two boys, two, girls, and a schnauzer.They just took the next step in their American Dream with the purchase of their first home in a little-known enclave that just might be the model for keeping New Haven’s middle class in town.

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Moms May Have To Wait For Sidewalks

by | Aug 27, 2010 2:15 pm | Comments (38)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

The city has been preparing to put in sidewalks on a busy stretch of Quinnipiac Avenue, where their absence has for years forced neighbors like Edna Morrison (pictured) to walk in the street with speeding cars. The project hit a speed bump, though, after an alderman discovered that it would consume about half of the city’s annual budget for sidewalk work.

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