Make Way For “Dankel Way”
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| Jun 20, 2014 7:42 am |
Thomas MacMillan Photo
A new road is coming to Quinnipiac Meadows, complete with 10 suburban-style homes.
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| Jun 20, 2014 7:42 am |Thomas MacMillan Photo
A new road is coming to Quinnipiac Meadows, complete with 10 suburban-style homes.
Allan Appel Photo
Harris lands a big dunk for the Greens.
Number 15 of the Blues and number 15 of the Greens could have run afoul of the cops — if they had been hanging around the streets instead of the basketball court.
Continue reading ‘In B-Ball Tourney, Community Policing Scores’
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| Feb 17, 2014 2:40 pm |Allan Appel Photo
Trent Butler gathered the young men on the court around him.
“We’re here to show you some love,” he said. “There have been shootings. You guys need some love.”
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| Jan 10, 2014 9:26 am |Allan Appel Photo
Javier’s grandmother Sonia Martinez and his mom Zaida Martinez distributed hundreds of flyers for the meeting.
Looking young people in the eye and building relationships of value with them. Keeping the schools open until midnight. More lights, cameras, and cops.
Those are some ideas for saving the lives of young people like Javier Martinez.
But how about bringing back those old emergency call boxes too?
by | Oct 30, 2013 12:04 pm | Comments (11)
Diana Li Photo
Wynn speaks with neighbor June A. Williams.
If he loses next Tuesday’s Ward 10 aldermanic election, William Wynn said, he plans to keep canvassing the very next day: until he eventually wins the seat or seeks his next goal, to become New Haven’s first black Republican mayor, in 2019.
Continue reading ‘“Forgotten Neighborhood” Launches Candidacy’
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| Oct 22, 2013 12:03 pm |Allan Appel Photo
Yul Watley returned to home to find his two Toni Harp campaign signs removed from his front yard. By the time he got to the bottom of the disappearance, his simple act of planting the signs has resulted in a broader review of the rules for some New Haven public-housing tenants who express support for political candidates.
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| Oct 21, 2013 11:41 am |Thomas MacMillan Photo
A central plank in Richard Spears’ aldermanic campaign platform is a reminder: Bishop Woods — his neighborhood — isn’t part of North Haven. Or East Haven.
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| Oct 4, 2013 2:31 pm |Thomas MacMillan Photo
After scoring a spot on the November ballot as his party’s nominee, first-term Alderman Mark Stopa has decided not to run for reelection after all — leaving Democrats scrambling to find a replacement.
Continue reading ‘Missing: Candidate For Alderman In Bishop Woods’
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| Jun 12, 2013 8:30 am |Thomas MacMillan Photo
Attorney John Acampora came up with a novel definition of “public convenience and welfare” in a pitch to New Haven’s zoners Tuesday night: the ability to get a sandwich without leaving your car.
Continue reading ‘Subway’s Pitch: The Public “Needs” To Stay In Its Cars’
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| Apr 22, 2013 2:09 pm |Photo provided by James R. Swift
Model raised ranch proposed for 1573 Quinnipiac Ave.
A builder got permission to construct four new single-family houses to be built on upper Quinnipiac Avenue in the northeastern corner of the city between Assumption and Fiore Streets near the Bishop Woods school and preserve.
Continue reading ‘Four Ranches Headed for Quinnipiac; No Horses on Site’
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| Sep 8, 2012 10:13 pm |A fatal crash occurred on Middletown Avenue by the off ramp of I‑91 Exit 8 around 1:30 a.m. Saturday.
According to police spokesman Officer David Hartman, a man lost control of his van while driving “at a high rate of speed. … [H]e lost control. The van skidded from the roadway. He was ejected from the van, which then rolled on top of him. He died as a result of injuries sustained in the crash.” Hartman identified the driver as Jose Suarez; his age was immediately available.
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| Sep 5, 2012 1:29 pm |A 40-year-old movie theater on the east side of town got help from city lawmakers Tuesday night in a quest to find money to spiff up the premises.
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| Jun 21, 2012 8:14 am |Thomas MacMillan Photo
Deputy director of zoning Tom Talbot points out the zone change area.
When bankers wouldn’t lend Barbara Soffer the dough to upgrade her 40-year-old movie theater’s projectors for the digital age, she turned to an unlikely source for help — a city government commission.
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‘Cine 1-4 Gets Approval
To Join The 21st Century’
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| Feb 10, 2012 3:46 pm |Allan Appel Photo
New Haven’s newest pawn shop will be graced by a backdrop of trees bordering the Bishop Woods Bird Sanctuary.
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| Feb 7, 2012 3:12 pm |
Firefighters spent an hour Tuesday extinguishing a brush fire by the railroad tracks near the Lowe’s store off I‑91 Exit 8.
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| Aug 2, 2011 6:09 pm |(Updated) Police fanned out Tuesday evening through the Quinnipiac Meadows woods seeking a fugitive violent man on the run. The man got away.
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| Jul 6, 2011 2:58 pm |Thomas MacMIllan Photo
Alderman Antunes.
Alderman Gerald Antunes shared an old Cape Verdean saying with his colleagues: “Good things don’t last long. Bad things last forever.”
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| May 9, 2011 11:20 am |Allan Appel Photo
Christopher O’Connor and his crew of some 20 volunteers from St. Aedan/St. Brendan Church in Westville arrived at a dilapidated house across town on Barnes Avenue 7 a.m. Saturday. They were ready for a full day’s worth of work replacing a tub that was nearly falling through the floor, seven windows, two entryways, and all the ceiling lights, not to mention a complete re-landscaping.
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| Oct 29, 2010 2:24 pm |The 52-year-old owner of a deli on Quinnipiac Avenue will be spending two months behind bars after authorities caught her distributing cocaine from her store across from the Bishop Woods elementary school.
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| Oct 26, 2010 11:16 am |Allan Appel Photo
When Herman Gary walks his 6‑year-old daughter to the Roberto Clemente School in the Hill each morning, he identifies a red oak, a cherry, or an American red linden tree along the way. No! she says. Yes, he replies, and with pride. I’m going to school just like you.
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‘With Ex-Offenders' Help,
City Expands Tree Planting’
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| Oct 13, 2010 11:24 am |Thomas MacMillan Photo
A previous developer got permission to put up nine homes on this lot in the Quinnipiac Meadows neighborhood. But when a new owner wanted to put up 12, zoners said nope, after a legal discussion about an indefinite article.
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| Sep 13, 2010 12:13 pm |Allan Appel Photo
Public school custodian David Wiel and his wife Maria have two boys, two, girls, and a schnauzer.They just took the next step in their American Dream with the purchase of their first home in a little-known enclave that just might be the model for keeping New Haven’s middle class in town.
Thomas MacMillan Photo
The city has been preparing to put in sidewalks on a busy stretch of Quinnipiac Avenue, where their absence has for years forced neighbors like Edna Morrison (pictured) to walk in the street with speeding cars. The project hit a speed bump, though, after an alderman discovered that it would consume about half of the city’s annual budget for sidewalk work.
Zak Stone File Photo
(Updated) On his way to a community meeting, Lt. Jeff Hoffman came across a group of dirt bikers holding up traffic with daredevil antics on Middletown Avenue. Moments later, he had one of the dirt bikers in handcuffs — and some fresh dents on his cruiser.
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| Feb 25, 2010 8:24 am |Melissa Bailey Photo
When Lianys Costas sang at a CMT rally, her mom — and bus driver — captured her performance on video. Next week, mom will make sure Lianys eats her cornflakes — and gets to school on time for the biggest test of the year.