201 Munson: Enough $ now on hand to turn this into ...
Ironburgh Organization image
... this?
A New York City-based developer claims his company is just weeks away from resuming work on a long-delayed, nearly 400-unit apartment complex on the Dixwell/Newhallville/Science Park border — thanks to yet another ownership reshuffling, as well as a newly pulled $78 million mortgage loan.
Thomas Breen |
May 12, 2022 4:00 pm
Thomas Breen photos
At Thursday's ceremony honoring the one-year anniversary of Firefighter Ricardo Torres, Jr.'s line-of-duty death.
“Rico was a hero.”
With those words, New Haven Fire Department Capt. Kendall Richardson remembered his former Dixwell station colleague Ricardo Torres Jr., at a ceremony held on the one-year anniversary of a Valley Street fire that took Torres’s life.
Maya McFadden |
Apr 22, 2022 9:07 am
Maya McFadden Photos
Kindergarteners make airplanes Thursday.
Instead of sitting home playing video games, grade-schoolers are spending the week doing handstands around the gym, building airplanes and mini-solar houses, and making new friends, thanks to the lower-school version of a “Spring Fun Club.”
Tenth-grader Carla Rodriguez and 12th-grader Cheisy Cudoro washed dishes after making food with their culinary class.
Kimberly Wipfler Photos
Nakisha Cadore with Isabel Faustino.
Ninth-grader Isabel Faustino was tired of thinking she had to change for somebody else, she said. So she etched out some words on a “vision board” as a reminder: “I am: Strong. Proud. Tough. Powerful. Enough. ME.”
“That’s exactly it!” said Nakisha Cadore. “We’ve got to get you running some circles.”
After two years of keeping in touch through lunch dates, friends Sarah McClain and Annie Meyers returned to the Dixwell/Newhallville Senior Center — in its modern new home — ready to get back into classes, day trip outings, and bingo.
Alder Steve Winter with Beulah's Darrell Brooks after vote.
New apartments planned on Dixwell.
A local affordable housing developer’s bid to build 69 new apartments atop “Joe Grate’s lot” on Dixwell Avenue moved forward yet again, after alders unanimously voted to amend a tax-abatement and land-sale agreement with terms more generous to the builder.
Rendering of Canal Trail-side apartment complex plan.
Developer Yves Joseph.
Dixwell residents gathered in the Q House gym to hear about a revived and changed plan to build 176 new apartments on the vacant city lot where Henry meets Ashmun and Canal Streets by the Farmington Canal Trail — and some emerged mulling whether to apply for a new home or a job.
Maya McFadden |
Mar 25, 2022 10:03 am
Maya McFadden Photo
Get 'Em Boy Boxing crew returns with national championships.
Hillhouse freshman Matthias Cruz, Hamden High sophomore Brianna Alers, and Wexler Grant sixth-grader Amir Foster returned home with flashy championship belts from a national boxing competition, then got back to work in the ring and at school.
Nora Grace-Flood and Maya McFadden |
Mar 23, 2022 5:48 pm
Nora Grace-Flood Photo
Mekhi Barnett stretches after 1-mile run.
After wrapping up a mile’s worth of laps at Bowen Field, 22-year-old Southern Connecticut State University senior Mekhi Barnett was warmed up — and on track to pursue long-range goals off the field.
Nora Grace-Flood |
Mar 21, 2022 5:22 pm
Nora Grace-Flood Photo
Diane Brown at entrance to new Stetson Branch Library.
Diane Brown swung open the door Monday morning to a long-awaited new, enhanced neighborhood library and community anchor at the corner of Dixwell Avenue and Foote Street, with lots more room, more books, and more to do.
Brian Slattery |
Mar 9, 2022 8:54 am
Since its first exhibition opened in March 2020 — and despite the pandemic — NXTHVN has managed to mount show after show that makes great use of its wide gallery walls, whether it’s by nearly covering them or using their white space to make distance between the pieces. Its latest exhibit is the first to give the viewer a sense of having entered and perhaps become a part of the art on display, the first to impart a feeling of bringing people somewhere else, if only for a little while.
Thomas Breen |
Feb 23, 2022 1:52 pm
ConnCORP image
Rendering of redeveloped Dixwell Plaza, with outdoor public space.
Imagine jazz festivals at a new 350-seat theater on Dixwell Avenue. And a mural celebrating the neighborhood’s rich history of Black art. And a landscaped public plaza replete with sculptures and furniture and dance, poetry, and hip hop.
A local redevelopment team heard those hopes, dreams, and visions during a community meeting focused on the cultural potential of a transformed Dixwell Plaza.
Maya McFadden |
Feb 22, 2022 6:31 pm
Maya McFadden Photo
Local leaders at Tuesday's celebration.
The late New Haven born civil rights leader and federal judge Constance Baker Motley will get her due, if U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro succeeds in a mission in Washington.
Karen Ponzio |
Feb 1, 2022 8:43 am
Fernanda Franco Photo
Fernanda Franco
Fernanda Franco brings every aspect of her artistic self to her new job as outreach director of New Haven Reads. “I walk into the office at Bristol Street, and I feel like Belle from Beauty and the Beast because you walk in and the walls are lined with books and it’s beautiful,” she said. She sang that last line, not unlike the character did in the movie.
Brian Slattery |
Jan 14, 2022 9:28 am
To the vibrant sound of bomba from Movimiento Cultural, officials, press, and community members gathered in front of the Q House on Dixwell Avenue to celebrate the launch of what city Director of Cultural Affairs Adriane Jefferson called Connecticut’s first initiative targeting cultural equity.