
K-4 Kids Start Holiday Season With Books At Q House Giveaway

by | Dec 13, 2021 10:44 am | Comments (2)

Lisa Reisman Photo

Charee Anderson with daughters Layana and Kahlea at Sunday's Q House event.

A day or so before the New Haven Public Schools were putting on a Holiday Children Gifts & Books Giveaway” at the Dixwell Q house, organizers realized they didn’t have enough toys.

The turnout was going to be much larger than we expected, so we reached out to NHPS staff and they came through with at least 100 toys,” Gemma Joseph Lumpkin, the school system’s chief of youth, family, and community engagement, said at the Sunday afternoon event in the Q House gymnasium.

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Signs Point To Park Upgrades Across Town

by | Nov 23, 2021 1:11 pm | Comments (8)

Plans for Kimberly Field.

The parks department received the go-ahead to proceed with a series of improvements throughout the city:

• A restoration of athletic facilities at Kimberly Field in the Hill.

• Replacing the aging and inadequate guardrails at the dangerous curve on Townsend Avenue by Pardee Sea Wall promenade facing the harbor.

• Enlarging signs at Scantlebury Park to ensure people know that only pickle ball and tennis are allowed on those spiffy new courts

• Creating uniform playground rule signs throughout the city, whose first rule is that Adult supervision is highly recommended.”

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View The New Q

by | Nov 5, 2021 8:49 am | Comments (11)

The newly rebuilt Q House, ready to reopen Saturday after 18 years.

Maya McFadden Photo

Jeanette Morrison and Henry Fernandez, leading a tour inside.

Seniors in the morning. Kids in the afternoon. Other adults at night.

That’s one way of looking at the planned rhythm of the newly rebuilt Dixwell Community Q” House, which opens Saturday with a festive ribbon-cutting celebration of a decade of community working.

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Artist Creates A New Faith

by | Oct 27, 2021 9:12 am | Comments (0)

On one level, Christian Curiel’s painting of the woman by the water is realistic; she’s sitting in a natural position, not like she’s posing for a picture, but like she’s just gotten out of the water. But ritual soaks the atmosphere around her, in the way her face is painted, the flowers in her hair, the candles floating on the water. Then there are the shapes in the air around her that have no place in a realistic painting, as if Curiel has made visual the intangible spiritual act that has just taken place. In the end, though, you might say the key to the whole painting is the cinderblock at her feet. It looks at first like it’s resting in the shallows, but the woman’s feet suggest the water’s deeper than that. Is the cinderblock floating in the water? Are all the rocks floating as well?

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Skateboarding Takes Off

by | Oct 18, 2021 3:00 pm | Comments (5)

Herve Locus Photo

Skateboarding commences Friday night at new George Street park.

Maya McFadden Photo

Ambassador Neftalie Williams teaches Jaden Lee how to Ollie Saturday at Scantlebury Park.

Fourteen-year-old Jaden Lee snapped the tail of his skateboard, slid his foot forward, and jumped all at once.

Jaden received those three tips on how to do his first Ollie” from a visiting U.S. ambassador” who came to town to spread the word about not just how to skateboard, but why it matters, as New Haven also opened a new park for the faithful.

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A New Day Celebrated At Goffe St. Park

by | Oct 18, 2021 9:42 am | Comments (3)

Lisa Reisman Photos

Katherine Jacobs, Mary Brown, Alder Jill Marks, Justin Elicker, Alder Ron Hurt, Chaz Carmon at Sunday park ribbon-cutting.

Napoleon tests new play surface.

Napoleon Jenkins jumped from the gleaming bars of the jungle gym, his feet landing on the spongy surface of the Goffe Street Park playground with a soft thud.

It’s pretty good,” said the 8‑year-old, grinning, testing out the new surface, one of a host of improvements at the park.

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Megalandlords Land In Housing Court

by | Oct 8, 2021 1:28 pm | Comments (49)

Thomas Breen photo

Ocean Management’s Shmuel Aizenberg (left) with attorney Ian Gottlieb in court this week.

Carmel Street bathroom: cracked tiles, mold, acrid smell.

The men in charge of two of the city’s largest low-income real estate empires landed in criminal housing court —as part of a city effort to prosecute landlords who take too long to fix up their properties.

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20-Year Hill Health, 5-Year Skating Rink Contracts OK’d

by | Sep 27, 2021 11:31 am | Comments (2)

Thomas Breen photo

The Ralph Walker Skating Rink on Upper State Street.

The Board of Alders unanimously approved two public-private agreements — one that will keep Cornell Scott Hill Health Center in Dixwell for the next two decades, another that will bring an ice rink management company to Upper State Street for the next five years.

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