
Leaders Vow Action Amid Violence Wave

by | Jul 15, 2020 6:14 pm | Comments (47)

Thomas Breen photo

Crime scene tape left at site on one of Tuesday night’s homicides.


Homicide victim Howard Lewis (center) with family in early July.

Melissa LyTrelle: “The devil was busy in our city last night.”

Life went painfully on Wednesday for Howard Lewis’s family as they held an outdoor birthday party for his 10-year-old son — while top cops and city officials sought to figure out who killed Lewis and one other man the night before, and how to get a handle on New Haven’s worst stretch of violence in a decade.

New Haven has now surpassed the number of shootings it saw in all of 2019. It’s only July.

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Statue Readied To Honor “Black Governor”

by | Jul 10, 2020 2:42 pm | Comments (4)

Dana King photo

The head and, behind, the body of the new William Lanson statue coming to the Farmington Canal.

Sculptor King working in her Oakland studio.

A seven-foot-tall bronze statue of William King” Lanson will soon stand along the Farmington Canal — giving a permanent, public, and highly visible form to a Black New Havener who helped build the modern city.

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Q House Lags On Black Construction Work

by | Jun 25, 2020 5:00 pm | Comments (15)

Thomas Breen photo

Carpenter Ernest Pagan and small business contractor Rodney Williams outside the Q House construction site Thursday.

City of New Haven

A third of the way through the construction of the new Q House, only 9 percent of subcontractors working on the project have been African American-owned companies, and less than 8 percent of the total construction workforce for the project has been Black.

A dozen local, Black small business contractors rallied outside of the future community center site to protest that lack of work, and to lambast a city-funded hiring initiative they argued benefits the county more than it does New Haven proper.

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Hundreds Rally In Dixwell For Racial Justice

by | Jun 14, 2020 12:11 pm | Comments (18)

Courtney Luciana photo

Marching down Dixwell to the Green.

Empty caskets on the Green representing lives lost to police brutality.

Several hundred people rallied outside of Varick AME Zion Church in Dixwell in a prayer and protest rally commemorating the lives of those lost to police brutality — and detailing the work needed to realize a more just future.

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Burgers Brought To Dixwell, With Message

by | May 28, 2020 3:01 pm | Comments (19)

Thomas Breen photo

Wahlburgers chef Paul Wahlberg (right) and Crescent Capital’s Mark Devincentis at Thursday’s burger giveaway.

A Massachusetts-based burger restaurant, a Los Angeles-based investment firm, and the state treasurer’s office teamed up with local clergy, politicians, firefighters, and labor organizers to distribute 750 free hamburgers with a side order of Covid-19 racial consciousness in Dixwell, the Hill, and Fair Haven.

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Dixwell Brainstorms To Keep Kids Busy In Summer

by | May 26, 2020 10:56 am | Comments (1)

As many working class parents prepare go back to their jobs, they are also deciding not to send their kids to summer camps, out of lingering pandemic fears.

What’s to be done with 8 and 9‑year-olds confined to the house?

Provide an infusion of board games? Books? How about community-organized treasure hunts to pry them safely away from their screens?

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ConnCAT Buys Dixwell Clinic Building

by | Apr 29, 2020 2:07 pm | Comments (2)

Thomas Breen photo

Hill Health’s Dixwell site, now owned by ConnCORP.

Local developers behind a planned $200 million overhaul of Dixwell Plaza have purchased Cornell Scott Hill Health Center’s site there for $1.8 million, even as they temporarily postpone the rebuilding project to focus on raising money for neighbors during the Covid-19 crisis.

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