
In Science Park’s Shadow, City Tackles Blight

by | Jul 13, 2012 2:03 pm | Comments (12)

Paul Bass Photo

Neighbor Kelly: No sign of life “except the raccoons.”

Breakthrough may be in works for 235 Winchester (above).

Less than a block from where millions of dollars are pouring into high-tech offices and new homes, New Haven seeks to untangle a legal mess that has kept empty a trashed three-story wreck — and to convince a 74-year-old carpenter to paint his house.

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Blight Rx: Sell To Alejandro & Virginia? Or St. Luke’s?

by | Jul 9, 2012 12:07 pm | Comments (7)

Paul Bass Photo

55 Dickerman St.

As potential buyers tramped through the rubble of an abandoned Dixwell house Monday, a Mexican-born couple hoped to move from an apartment across the street into their own renovated home. Leaders of a nearby church envisioned creating a home for returning war vets.

And the city had a good problem on its hands: figuring out how best to turn blight into neighborhood renewal.

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Urban Renewal Revisited—& Taunted

by | Jul 2, 2012 3:03 pm | Comments (28)

Nicolás Medina Mora Pérez Photo

Ed Cherry, modernist architect, strolled his old neighborhood, gazing at the once-new urban renewal era buildings.

Dixwell could have been saved,” he reflected on the time the Model City” sacrificed history for a promise of prosperity that never materialized — a promise he helped design.

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Esserman To Dixwell:
Reach Out & Touch Us

by | Mar 6, 2012 9:04 am | Comments (4)

Caitlin Emma Photo

When a problem arises, the first person New Haveners should call is their local neighborhood police officer — unless an emergency warrants calling 9 – 1‑1, of course.

Police Chief Dean Esserman (pictured) made that pitch Monday night to 30 people gathered in Dixwell. And when anti-brutality activist Jewu Richardson asked about contacting the chief directly, Esserman fired off his office phone number.

Continue reading ‘Esserman To Dixwell:
Reach Out & Touch Us’

Divas Dish

by | Feb 26, 2012 1:34 pm | Comments (0)

Caitlin Emma Photo

Zania Collier argues her point.

The Divas Club came to the consensus that this wasn’t Terry McMillan’s best book. But the group divided on another issue: is Savannah Jackson a ho”?

I have a problem with Savannah Jackson,” said Zania Collier. I just thought she was very shallow.”

No, she wasn’t!” replied Sharon Brooks.

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