
‘Read-In’ Celebrates Black Voices

by | Mar 3, 2011 12:09 pm | Comments (3)

Akimi Palitz Photos

Celentano Museum Academy students join with NHPS teachers Matt Presser, Redell Armstrong and Akimi Palitz, and Marcus Strong from Yale University’s Black Men’s Union.

A group of seventh and eighth graders from Celentano Museum Academy were originally planning to spend their Saturday afternoon with friends at the mall. Instead, they spent it together at the Stetson Library. Credit the change of plans to President Barack Obama — not to mention Malcolm X, Phyllis Wheatley, and a range of other influential African-Americans.

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Some Plows Were Too Big, Some Too Small

by | Jan 28, 2011 6:06 pm | Comments (30)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

As a main Fair Haven traffic artery remained a nightmare” for drivers a day after a snowstorm, aldermen from neighborhoods across town demanded answers from City Hall about New Haven’s handling of the historic mounds of white stuff. And a new explanation emerged for why some smaller streets went days without getting plowed.

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Lunch Programs Saved

by | Jan 13, 2011 4:53 pm | Comments (0)

Melissa Bailey File Photo

Lead Volunteer Melzetta Reed serves up daily lunch to Jeannette Green at the Dixwell/Newhallville Senior Center.

Seniors in Dixwell/Newhallville and the East Shore will continue to have access to affordable meat and potatoes beyond Feb. 1, after the city found a partial solution to sudden cutbacks to a state-run Meals on Wheels program.

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Quilt = Bargain + Recovery

by | Dec 21, 2010 11:38 am | Comments (2)

A client creating a quilt, which she has sold.

Hill Health Center’s Susan Feldman sent in these photos and text about a program for homeless women. Participants are selling handcrafted goods, including shawls, brooches, and tote bags.

Homeless women in recovery from chronic illness, addiction and mental illness who attend the Cornell Scott Hill Health Center/Village of POWER, are learning entrepreneurial skills which will improve not only their holiday season but possibly their employment skills for the years to come.

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Guardians, Firebirds Give Back

by | Nov 23, 2010 12:51 pm | Comments (0)

Michelle Turner Photo

Starting at 10 a.m. Monday, canned goods, boxes of stuffing,spices,cake, seasonings and bottles of water, along with 250 turkeys, poured out of the firehouse at the corners of Goffe and Webster. Between 5:30 and 6 p.m., all that remained were some bottles of water, a case of cake mix and a few cans. Plus stacks of empty boxes.

The Thanksgiving donations were collected by students at the Edgewood School and given away by the New Haven Guardians and the New Haven Firebirds, organizations representing black New Haven cops and firefighters.

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Tent City Highlights
Homeless Families

by | Nov 19, 2010 9:11 am | Comments (6)

Melinda Tuhus Photo

City inspector Rafael Ramos (pictured) wasn’t tracking down slumlords on Thursday night . Instead, he was setting up tents on the Green, lickety split. He’s good at that, too, having had lots of practice taking 50 or 60 kids camping every summer for the past nine years.

The tents were needed for Tent City on the Green, the city’s third annual community event to raise money for homeless shelters.

Continue reading ‘Tent City Highlights
Homeless Families’